Introduction to Chaotics via Rare Fish

Damn to perdition this Modern Age (and all its demonic appurtenances)! An attempt to publish globally, intergalactic-ally even--at long last realized (my voice unleashed)--and the selection of fonts is excremental! Whither my beloved Mono-type Corsiva? I am justifiably aggrieved and have subsequently lost all interest, at which point I'll now attempt to regain composure by posting a curious litho and proceeding from that artificed point. Inspiration!
Above then is a won'drous creature, dubbed Coelacanth by the zoological intelligentsia but known to the quaint natives of the Maccabe Islands as the Common Porkfish. Accompanying this creature (regarded widely as a "living fossil") is his Filipino nurse. The selfless assistant is attempting to interest this 60 million-year-aged marvel in his "meds"...but to little avail. The passage of geological time has hardened arteries and benumbed the cortical processes. Grandfather Coelacanth has but one thing on his fishy mind and that thing is butterscotch pudding. "The refrigerator," he mumbles, "where is the infernal refrigerator. It was right here yesterday."
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