Back-to-back posts---my head shall rise and detonate like pie on the sun!

This also--an "Urther" expert on presenting ideas and images through the Interknit has advised us that if we wish to communicate in any effective fashion with clodhoppers and the microcephalic we should limit our verbiage, de-tone our zest for complexity, and present ourselves to the masses in tiny nibbles suitable for shrews and the unlovelier jaw-less vertebrates. A meeting is being held soon to ponder, as a collective and group activity, this newly received advise.
[EDITOR: A humorous footnote--the "Urther" computing engine toolbar ABC spelling checker function, when activated and confronted with the unknown word microcephalic (above) suggested, instead, the spelling as being Microsoft. One is at a loss to explain such pungent wit and wisdom coming from a soulless computing engine!]
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