Denial denier denies denial
We complain about "da Urth" but things can get weird here on Erde sometimes. The tiny nation of Grand Swizzlestein, the "cutest little country" on Erde, has an ancient law making it illegal for Swizzlestonians to "with malice aforethought denieth that or any suche thinge whych plaine and obvious-lyke is impress-ed upon the mindes of all citizens and his lordshippe, the Duke of Swizzlestein, may Wotan granteth him long lyfe". This odd law came about largely due to the excruciatingly diminutive size of that adorable nation and corresponding real estate issues--denying the existence of any thing in Grand Swizzlestein simply created considerable confusion about available space and this then could lead to economic instability and chaos. In 1657 AP a Swizzlestonian Hausfrau, angered by her husband's nocturnal imbibings, denied him access to their tiny chalet one morning on the grounds that "he no longer existed" even though he was standing (well, passed-out) on the front stoop. Word immediately got around the half-acre stacked and packed Grand Duchy that the hung-over husband no longer occupied the valuable personal space allotted to him by the traditions of Swizzlestein and the "suddenly freed-up turf" made potentially available caused land speculators to run amok. Contradictory reports created confusion on the Swizzlestonian Stock Exchange floor and within seconds the entire miniature economy was in complete shambles. It was all fully straightened out by dinnertime but not until after a ten-minute Civil War had broken out, the Duke had almost been assassinated, most workers had been laid off and in anger revolted and declared the formation of a Worker's Paradise, and, in the confusion, an invasion force was organized by the Duke's daughter to seize a few square feet of land from neighboring Deutschbrand and provide additional Lebensraum (meaning a living room for her cramped apartment). Elsewhere on Erde, denying the obvious is considered to be the prerogative of fools and scoundrels--the handful of silly people totally ignored by all on our delightfully enlightened world unless they are entertaining.
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