Chomsky sculpture ready for weekend Celebration of Celebratingness

This weekend Institute of Love collective craftsfolkpeoplepersons will be unveiling a 75 foot tall sculpture of Noam Chomsky made entirely from recycled all-natural mayonnaise jars and carved hypoallergenic goat bile soap. The homage to the 43rd Ascended Linguist of N'dar P'toom (a title Madhipadra Chomsky, in his infinite humility, declines to acknowledge, along with his true reincarnated Tibetan holy names and goofy hat and robes we sent him) is being installed in the front entrance of the Institute near the Martin Luther King grass-friendly gender-diverse cooperative people's organic whole-foods vegan picnic peace lawn, and directly across from the sanctified 18-Fold-Pathway Country Club Dworkin memorial ball-washer. He is depicted garbed in traditional Eastern Oralawahoodie rain-forest native natural orgonic people's tribal shamanic Lederhosen and holding aloft an immense St. Porpoise the Divine made of consecrated and pressed Laplander reindeer dung, and symbol of transcendent extra-galactic communication between Gaia's all-accepting wisdom-containing soul-spirit species of blessed Mother Earth and the gentle sea-dwelling vegetarian multi-minds of Betelgeuse IV.
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