Institute of Love's Michael Moore monument grows in girth and popularity!

Meticulously groomed and "branded" as the spokesperson for the Common Upper-Middle-Income Blue-State Liberal Man and Woman, Michael helps to clarify and intensify national controversies by ignoring complicated and unneeded examinations of "inner workings," "competing systems," "alternative ideas," and "deeper agendas." He just shows us how silly, goofy, and laughable our opponents and their public personaes are, and in many ways he and George W. Bush are almost (dare we say it?) made for each other--like partners in some popular old radio-days feud! Mr. Moore also tells us that all the bad things in the world are the result of corporate greed and oil interests--no need to be pulled away from these near hard-wired givens by petty distractions; it's best to keep everyone's attention firmly focused on what's in plain daylight, not speculate on what's possibly up anyone's sleeve. With boyish humor and unaffected charm (sometimes his hat is not "beat-up" enough and the grime has to be digitally inserted, as it was on the original Fahrenheit 9-11 cover!), this simple, everyday, blue-collar average fellow, with his trademark banged-up ball cap, and trademark bad shave, and trademark weight problem, and trademark worker's jacket (all adding up to an image that screams honesty--no hand puppet be I), makes award-winning film after film, and pens popular best-selling books that never fail to not challenge previously-held beliefs no correct-thinking person would not already be without! [Patty Pille: I met the guy while I was "dancing" and to be fair he's pretty decent and means well; he's not part of the problem per se, but he's also becoming less and less part of the solution and more and more a major symptom of what's gone awry. I imagine he must be somewhat aware of this as he has to meet with marketing people once in a while and there's no way they can conceal their horns and cloven feet--for them honesty is merely another affect, witness the tortured Ad-Buster magazine. He needs to go away for a while and change who he is, to mature in a way, then come back and deal with it all on an entirely different plane]
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