Mitt Romney versus Hillary Clinton
Mitt Romney, under pressure, shows his true color (a proper Mormonical dress black), steals his wife's "respectable Republican cloth" pro-life preserver, and--ironically--hurls himself directly into Hillary Clinton's gaping maw unaware that he was set up to be pet food all along. If you watch carefully you'll see Hillary actually smile a touch before she swallows--a rare treat for us and for her.
Aye laddie, wha' a tann'd and han'some "corpse" he'll be a-makin'!

Mitt Romney dives into the annals (and entrails) of history
On a further note: the reign of Queen Hillary the First (americanus glorianus) should prove far more entertaining than that of your currently enthroned Mad King George II who, at the rate he is going to Helle, may well turn into a pathetic object of pity by the time the convention circuses roll into the national Our Town next summer.
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