Institute Installs Colossal Encumbrance to Hobble Dr. Wu

Following last month's multi-vehicle "pile-up" within the confines of the Institute parking lot--due, in large part, to Dr. Wu's reaching near gravity-well escape velocity in his co-developed steam turbine Togoyama X-Spectora VIII horseless contrivance--the elite security forces of the Institute (Officers Mudhemp and Piscatori) have opted to install a rather Spectacular Speed-bump to deter any further technological irregularities. A dejected and windblown Dr. Wu is seen here atop the newly formed obstruction surveying the negative-orgone and death-ray blasted landscape of the Institute grounds, no doubt contriving to figure a way through the dam-like discouragement. What is brought to mind is less the poignant sadness of our Asian associate and more the need for some decorative shrubbery, suitable paving, and perhaps a gay picket fence to "perk up" the radio-active environ. Dr. Wu has subsequently been removed from the Togoyama project and is now assisting Drs. Benthwaite and Besonders in their Top Secret project with the Imperial Space Agency--building a railway to the moon--wherein the good doctor can perchance rein in his passion for speed through the delimiting use of trackage and signals.
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