Fierce flying fighter frontlines Imperial Air Fleet

Like anything else our "military" purchases, it's totally harmless, although scary looking and loud as helle as it uses stock "Urth" moto-cycle* mufflers. The ZP-93A is designed to dump food, treats, informative pamphlets, or, in case of a real crisis, cash (what better way to disrupt?), on belligerent people; and is armed with a long range EMP pulse device and DOODADs (Deployable Onboard Operational Defensive Absurdism Distractors) that will shut down or at least confuse the bejeebers out of just about anything unfriendly in its way. It can also simply vanish, leaving behind either a rapidly fading holographical smile or a cloud of radar-jamming "pixie dust." These miracle "shady" technologies were developed at the Mt. Palomine Institute's Pilleheed Aeronauticaetherical Division in total secrecy so don't tell. Pilots say flying the Mixmaster is like sailing through the clouds on a perpetually flushing toilet, which, they add, is not all that unpleasant an experience.
*a moto-cycle is an oddball "Urth" mechanism, ostensibly used for transportation in flocks--usually only to gatherings of similar vehicles. In fact it's a sort of metallic/sonic erectile dysfunction medication and midlife mate magnet (hence the metals).
[Editor: Ironically, the "Urth" aircraft that this bears an uncanny similarity to was, in fact, also dubbed the "Mixmaster" by its pilots; however the derivations differ. Our "Mixmaster" is named after famed baluchatherium-gal, moving picture actress, and banjoleum songstress Tomasina Mixmaster. Theirs is named for a (winged?) device used to make pina coladas--a sort of stewed rums]
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