For a short while at least, all the hot action will be taking place at our newer site--The Nohovian--largely because we're feeling a bit diminished. Since neither site is read by much of anyone anyhow, this announcement amounts, analogously, to, say, my putting up a warning in the attic advising that later this evening I might roll over onto my right side unexpectedly while sleeping. Maybe Wotan pays attention to such things.
We'd hoped that by posting moose photos on the Nohovian site we might pick up a few readers since our Marketing to "Urth" Folk pamphlet says that furry animal pics are popular with just about everyone with functioning lower brains and above. Disgruntled elements on the Panopticon staff still insist we should hang it all up and post saucy daguerreotypes (the income would pay all Peepergate operation and maintenance costs, guaranteed) or we should attempt something else that I just saw a concept proposal for: a site called That Darn Bush! that would consist of jabs and jibes directed at the current Merkan Pez-head-ent. Our staff cultural psychologists say our biggest problem regarding "Urth" audiences and these things-called-blogs is that none of our efforts reassure anyone that, for one, their current Reality Tunnel (set of beliefs...sort of) is the wisely picked one, and there's nothing here at all within these pages to make one feel smug (kind of the same thing). The Onion does a fine job of all that, it being directed at smug vaguely young, vaguely literate, vaguely upscale sophisticates who'd never play video games for twelve straight hours while eating nothing but Cocoa Puffs.
Our true dilemma is that we challenge, and we challenge by being mildly elusive, whimsical, droll, and incoherent; and we do plain dreadful things like write saucy daguerreotypes instead of pornography (a word that truly is about the vilest that was ever coined and distributed for broad usage) forcing many (well, actually nobody--we've lost them by then) to hustle for the online dictionary to get a sense of the word daguerreotype and maybe even saucy. No one languishing under the tattered beach umbrella of current "Urth" culture is going to make the slightest effort to be challenged; and in a way maybe that's our convoluted point here, not that any point was ever intended. Heck, we're just trying to have a bit of fun without imitating what everyone else does.

Speaking of having a bit of fun, the above is one of Gustav Dore's illustrations for Rabelais's book(s) about Gargantua and Pantagruel. This is a swell doodle to be sure, but there are others by him (images of which we couldn't locate) that are beyond all believing. No modern "Urth" graphic artist or illustrator of pictorial epics (comic books)* comes close to Dore. In truth, when you place work by him, or, more so, by Arthur Rackham, alongside that of the stylus-wielding giants of these times something uncomfortable reveals itself. "God," as the architect Mies van der Rohe once wrote, "is in the details" and details are not simply little extra add-ons like those mailboxes or flower gardens one may clump around Barbie's Dream House. They are the subtle nuances that make the difference between great all-embracing art and mimicry and superficial "perfection."
We think here of one B. Moser who has garnered unjustified fame as an illustrator of classic books of the sort that few on "Urth" bother to read or treasure any longer. The books still sell--albeit in ever-reducing numbers--because the pretense of cultural sophistication (sorry, I'm paraphrasing from one of Prof. Fricke's marvelous books on "Urth" culture) is still maintained here and there for reasons that we won't go into that are highly insulting anyway. Since few on "Urth" are adequate judges of talent any longer, Herr Moser gets along dandily by filling book pages with flat, lifeless, wooden, and largely uninteresting drawings that, if nothing else, make for fine simulations of the real item--that being quality art. They look like book illustrations and there are no obvious mistakes in execution. He is, granted, a master of chiaroscuro, but he depends almost wholly upon this coupled with strained emotion for dramatic (we'd say melodramatic) impact. A full book of these shadowy representations of mania and hyperventilation and a tedium creeps in (his "Alice" work assiduously avoids any journey into any Wonderland whatsoever, having all the surreal otherwordliness of a Civil War reenactment). If one seeks a soul or even a glimmer of rich personality behind any of the numerous pairs of eyes he has rendered, one is at a loss. The pictures play out like so many corporate logos of the over-insistent "all-natural" and "whole wheat" variety.
Oh well, this is really subject matter for The Nohovian.
*Calling comic books pictorial epics with a straight face is an ancient and lost form of communication that was known to the Romans (or maybe Greeks) as irony (eye-rawn-knee), which is Navajo or possibly Inuit for "he who speaks through flattened spoons." Some communications whiz-bangs here at the Mt. Palomine Institute have suggested that we utilize contemporary "Urth" text standards and, for starters, highlight eye-rawn-nick passages with a pleasing yet identifiable color, this so that readers will immediately understand that the statement is meant to be just a tiny bit funny. Another expedient would be to include side-bars (and chrome mufflers too, I'd imagine) that would explain the parts of the text that weren't in, shall we say, reduced communicative mode. A fully annotated Professor Pille's Planetary Panopticon with subtitles was also considered.
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