Readers from Everywhichawhere inquire--what the Helle is ghost cheese?!

Simple--ghost cheese is the "cheese" that is made from the "milk" of ghost cows--ghost cows being the closest approximations to those dopey "Urth" bovine beasts that we have here on Erde. Baluchatheriums generally fill the cow slot, not that this is a slot that pressingly needs filling much ever.
Ghost cheese has a flavor that is, in most ways, utterly indescribable, largely because there is no way, linguistically, to describe it. The sorts of fancy-pants foods snobs that on "da Urth" like to think of their favorite arcane treats as being beyond all verbal characterization have not a notion about such sublime comestibles. Munching a mouthful of ghost cheese is an experience akin to watching a blittered frothingburb cast stinkles at a rollepatating wim-jiblet, if you catch our drift.
Ghost cheese has a flavor that is, in most ways, utterly indescribable, largely because there is no way, linguistically, to describe it. The sorts of fancy-pants foods snobs that on "da Urth" like to think of their favorite arcane treats as being beyond all verbal characterization have not a notion about such sublime comestibles. Munching a mouthful of ghost cheese is an experience akin to watching a blittered frothingburb cast stinkles at a rollepatating wim-jiblet, if you catch our drift.
Milking a ghost cow is a task no one should ever not miss if one can't not avoid it. It's typically a job for citizen monkeys since peoplepersons lack the appropriate sense of the absurd, and that's saying a lot given how much sense of that the average Erden peopleperson carries about with them. Fizzly Farms--home of Kasper the Ghost Cow (their famed trademark), and Erde's largest producer of ghost cheese (and Baluchatherium milk)--is owned and operated entirely by citizen monkeys. Very rich citizen monkeys.
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