Emperor: Cossacks to Remain in Puta Babylon "For All Eternity"

Our most Gracious and Noble Emperor (and personal benefactor and sponsor of the Institute) has affirmed, yet again, his determination to keep entrenched and alert the numerous Hussars, Cossacks, Cavalrymen, and Zouaves recently sent to silence the leadership and curb the commoner's excesses within our Puta Babylonian jurisdiction. "They are there, and there they shall remain until the stars loose themselves from the firmament!" he proclaimed boldly to a stunned Senate. His Glorious Leadership added that his notion of events was that Puta Babylonian worshippers of Baal had firm intent on the control and subjugation of a major percentage of our globe. "They wish to raise up a grotesque Empire of Baal and corrode our own greatness with this monstrous and ill-conceived Vessel of State!" Applause rang through the Senate porches and atriums for nearly ten minutes. Meanwhile, our allied Lord of State has asserted, with incriminating evidence at hand, the indirect involvement of the Persians in various lethal malfeasances. The Persians are currently under review for their questionable technologies; some suspect they seek out the development of explosive devices of astounding power.
The Emperor then commented briefly on the successful conclusion of the unpleasantness between the Central Authority and various rebellious Districts of the Gulf Quarter. He warned that if the poison of sedition is again poured into the cup of congruity he will unleash ever more ferocious wind engines against "Our Internalistic Scoundrels." Otherwise, monorail construction will continue as planned.
Thanks for the welcome praise. This promises to be a strange ride for us all.
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