X-Kraft 6000 Passes Emperor's Air Fleet Primus over Navajo National District

A premonitional shaft of dazzling sunlight highlights the distant aluminium hull of the most familiar and beloved dirigible in the nation as our newest technological triumph blasts by in display before it...and it's Illustrious Passenger! Our Most Gracious and Noble Emperor--en route to the first game of the Hemispheric Baseball League season in Las Baygeiles--occasioned both surprise and delight (and a modicum of panic for Sudwest Districts military and civilian air traffic controllers!) with a re-routing of Air Fleet Primus to Area 51 in order to view, first-handed, a test flight of the X-Kraft 6000 delta or The Venus Enfer as it will be christened. The Emperor communicated directly, via local optical wireless, with Astra-Capitaine Marjorie Ifukube and her crew and wished them Wotan's Speed in their upcoming flight to the neighboring Planet of Amor, Ishtar. Astra-Capitaine Ifukube is not only commanding the space-craft, but heading the Emperor's diplomatic mission.
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