Decline and Fall of Bumbletown

(It happens when, among many other items, borders are left unprotected, enemies of the state with pernicious philosophies are permitted to establish communities within the state; high culture is marginalized or made to perform like a circus monkey, and low culture is raised high with no sense of the distinctions; history is as to an amnesiac or carelessly rewritten; dwellings, structures, and conveyances are desecrated without regard for the public or private wishes (and the infantile vandalizing celebrated by the "educated" as art and valid expression of culture); greed and self-interest run unleashed; people ignore their feelings and the evidence of their eyes; language and expression are restricted; lust lacks self-imposed limits; entertainment eschews the sublime; sports figures, unqualified sons of Emperors, and theatrical eminences hold the thrones; men and women of sobriety and character are scoffed at; superstition smothers reason on every plane; and moral levellers and rationalizers of barbarism blithly refuse to distinguish between a bomb dropped on a tank, battleship, or armed combatant, and an explosive willfully detonated in the midst of youngsters seeking sweets, or the meticulously plotted genocide of harmless schoolchildren! )
- In the works: While scholaristic munchkins and the blasted and benumbed wreckage of what was once a moderately significant intelligentsia engage in supercilious slap-fights and mud-slings over the enunciation (or denunciation) of words, the enumerations of ancient and irrelevant grievances, the naming of national holidays, the fates of skinks, hoot owls and blind fetuses, and the over-analysis of the minutiae of their self-hampered historical and cultural fantasies, great and smallish chunks of buttress and ceiling-tile pour increasingly upon their heads, and the Whole Edifice of Civilized Man (or what little left that has not been sloppily over-painted in gaudy colors, decorated with horsies and duckies, or overlaid with obnoxious and inept graffiti advertising tribal allegiances and retail whorings) is threatened. Worse, these multiple "educated" morons seek allies among the heathens and uncivilized whom they adore as even more hideously ill-informed and bugged than themselves and thusly, in their reductionist paradigm, that much nearer to Gaia or Jehovah or whichever apportion-able apparition of parental control appeals most to them. Worser still, none can apprehend that the abandonment of reason and decorum, the overthrowing of millennial-developed knowledge and experience doggedly whistles for catastrophe. This rejection occurs because, among other symptoms, it all conforms not to the mumblings of ancient and doubtful Books of Superstition--New Age or Old Testament--or was produced by Dead White Males (many of whom fought, at risk of life and fortune, superstition and injustice; yet now to scant praise and even condemnation because they failed to meet standards of behavior set hundreds of years in their futures or merely lacked certain protuberances and orifices)
- Boosters, the bewitched, and giddy enumerators of the world's multiplicity of rare and exotic cultures, of just and gentle "peoples," will (we urge) studiously note (and ignore) that the first duties barbarians are keen to tick off their lists are: the disruption of any sense of complex social order and imposition of more clearly understood ones (do or die, being the succinct and elegantly expressed example), the ravishment and re-enslavement of females (and others, surprisingly, despite the bountiful egalitarianism inherent in the "less sophisticated"), the desecration of temples of "gods" unsympathetic to their aims, and the burning of libraries, rewriting of remaining histories, befouling of sciences and reason, and destruction of antiquities of merit. Add in the condemnation and eventual incineration of those "different," "perverse," and incapable of holding to the strict thought and limited jargon of the party (or tribal) line. One may say that most of the above listed are currently actively within the purview of both "da Urth's" multiplicity of religious fanaticos whose various sun-stroked prophets dwell-ed in the desert realms, and the West's Leftish canonical dambusters and dambusterettes, who have been shriekingly tearing down anything of true excellence these last several decades because it all reveals to them of their own inadequacies or mixed-up thoughts about their own unfortunate (yet passed or passing due to the efforts of at least a few sympathetic Dead White Males and the drive toward civilities they profess to loath) histories. Some see a conflict of Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum called a "Culture War" but I eyeball rather, in my darkest dreamings, the followers of Doktor Bush and Pastor Robertson coupling madly with the enlightened geniuses that produced Frau Dworkin and cultural relativism, and producing an onslaught of horned and fanged demons who would do Hieronymous Bosch proud. All this under the bloodshot gazes of drooling hyenas whose lumpen philosophies were abandoned centuries ago by the sensible, educated, well-meaning, and rational.
We're fucked!
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