Director Zliplitt responds to cussing accusations
Found pinned to my nightshirt upon awakening this morning was a scarcely legible note from a "reader" dwelling on (and no doubt feeding off, leech-like) "da Urth," complaining (as any communication from an "Urther" not drenched in whine is, I'm informed, a physical impossibility) at our self-imposed expressive straitjacket here within the Panopticon in regards to the use of the saltier and more pungently descriptive words drifting about in the foggy lexical aether. The gist of the scrawled subhuman rant was that as "adults" we should engage in "adult language" as most of the bordering blogs revel in it, and it is (to paraphrase so thoroughly as to rewrite completely) a truer means of expression, revealing boldly and bluntly our clear-set emotions and feelings unrestrained by hypocrisy, euphemism, and ambiguity. In response we will strenuously state our case that the infant-like play of continuous verbal excrement that has hobbled "artistic" expression in your Welt since the Hippoids ran amok and besmirched every available clean and tidy surface, is the shame of your race. Obscenity, rather than freeing and encouraging imagination in its varied voicings, has devolved most sublime sentiments into a finite collection of animal grunts and moans, akin to those used by the earliest primate hunters in signalling each other through the thickened brush. Our choice of well-scrubbed lingo at the Institute and here in the Panopticon--be warned--is not dictated by prudishness or self-censorship (Our truest nature, though gentle as lambs most times, would, when truly riled by Erden forms of righteousness, frighten the bejeebers of you), rather it is a continuous and invigorating challenge to create, with words-as-bricks, linguistic structures of genuine novelty and merit, not mere assemblages of dualistic commentary based upon the lesser biological functions. Further, an evisceration, such as this one you now observe, is far more enjoyable and informative for the intelligent than the curt and obscene bark or growl. Similar sentiments envelope the issues of undue sauciness, autobiographical exhibitionism, melodrama, and all violence--the cheapest and cheapest ways to stuff-up pages and screens.
[EDITOR: One of the many pecuriousities of "da Urth" is that a "group" or "movement" that damned the use of euphemism and cussed like demons decades ago during the "Hippoid"-infested High Nixonics years, eventually gave birth to devil-children who became Censors Prime, Grand Inquisitors, and fastidious "differently-abled" euphemism-fabricators de-luxe to a later Politically Corrector epoch. Now the jargon of "da Urth," damaged several times by the endlessly confused short-range fumblings of the Leftward leaning, is largely an appalling mix of promiscuous potty-talk and nerve-wracking pussyfooting on thin-ice in regards to social, racial, cultural, and gender issues! Small wonder little real hard-boiled communication takes place about the essentials of social and cultural life--one may project ones emotions in the most obscene way but one often can't be truthful about the sources of those emotions (unless they emanate from an authorized and approved "demonized" group--Red Staters, white males, etc.) . Worse, this same hobbled and neurotic group has felt obliged (via the guilt express) to permit others to freely state what's on their vicious minds, no matter how hateful, racist, or sexist, for fear of sounding hateful, racist, or sexist by bluntly critiquing these very nincompoops who need serious "critiquing." Feeling double-bound? Another helping of anti-depressants, anyone?]
[EDITOR PS: I'll add--again--that the Panopticon, by pointing out hypocrisy and idiocy in one "Urther" group of mutton-heads is in no way endorsing their opposites and enemies. Our benevolent deity Wotan"--over games of bridge and with a few under his leather buckler--has often expressed a well-shared-among-Erdens desire to spank both Red and Blue-bottoms and fire off more than a few thunderbolts at any and all "Urther" religious-zealot zones, to put the "fear of Wotan" in them]
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