Captain Nissen Going through Whirpool (sic) Rapids, Niagra Falls
That was a cut and paste job up there above for the title and yes, whirlpool was spelled whirpool in the thingamabob article I a-cutted and a-pasted from. Ever since MS Spellcheck and ABC check came into virtua-being, spelling has gone right down the toilet. Reason is nobody proofs anything any more (proofreaders actually costing money, natch) so if I misspell dog as god (likely, as proofreading down and dyslexia up) it won't be caught because the AI (artificial intelligence) just won't know that I made a misteak. How whirpool was missed is anyone's guess--ABC check suggests a correct spelling is whipple.
The brick wall photo is one of hundreds of thousands available online through Google image search. Apparently the plan is to replace nearly all photos of any worth with pics of bricks, starting with anything in government archives. In this instance it's suggestive of an exhausted imagination or perhaps simple exhaustion, which is likely. At times trying to do a wacky Blog in this cultural environment feels like trying to be a balloon bender (you know, one of those guys or gals who makes balloons into dachshunds, maybe they are called balloon benders or maybe low-impact-inflatable biomorphics engineers) in a concentration camp.
The brick wall photo is one of hundreds of thousands available online through Google image search. Apparently the plan is to replace nearly all photos of any worth with pics of bricks, starting with anything in government archives. In this instance it's suggestive of an exhausted imagination or perhaps simple exhaustion, which is likely. At times trying to do a wacky Blog in this cultural environment feels like trying to be a balloon bender (you know, one of those guys or gals who makes balloons into dachshunds, maybe they are called balloon benders or maybe low-impact-inflatable biomorphics engineers) in a concentration camp.
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