Countdown to Tricentennial--Posting 296, the long-anticipated return of Dave Dimp, the ebullient blogstarian
It's really exciting to be #296 in the big countdown to 300 postings! Just by coincidence, 296 is the catalogue number of my favorite aromatherapy scent, and it's also my house number on Jerkwood Lane. It's like some psychic thing or something. Man, I just realized--it's also the last three digits in my National Wiretalker number if your switch the 9 and the 2!
Well, nothing new to report. Still watching my favorite optical wireless shows and still really into aromatherapy. Got my new calendar featuring cute pictures of puppies in coffee and tea-cups (or is it cuppies of toffee in pea-cups?), although some of them seem a bit big to be sitting in a cup and they look really uncomfortable. Regardless, it's up on my office wall at the Institute right above the shelf of Beanie Babies. The Pille sisters pick Beanie Babies up for me whenever they do a Peepergate trip to "da Urth." I've got the kraken, the baby blue deer tick, the mole rat, and the adorable "enchilada." We don't have enchiladas on Erde which is funny 'cause we have all the other animals they have on "da Urth" plus a few extras like dodos and passenger pigeons. I guess enchiladas are kind of like chinless chinchillas or something. They don't have any legs either.
[Editor Note: Just so you know, Dave strongly resembles a shallow weasel the Übermacher once knew in an earlier lifetime. That schmuck collected any and every thing to do with lighthouses but was still into aromatherapy. He was a marketing professional's dream date]
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