Intrepid Peepernauts visit Cans-ass Seaty middle-school and live to relate the tale!

The combined noble non-exertions of the Merkan government, the cloud-dwelling "Blue" state theorists (who craftily replace challenging real world solutions with recommendations of cash-plaster applications and self-ennobling witch-huntings), and the highly aggressive Studenten (with their Laizzes-Fair crackered-head parentals in non-tow) have resulted in the near total annihilation of this structure, or nearly any other structurings of merit. Demolition experts feel they now have the correct "formula" to reduce any antiquated (i.e. unprofitable) architecture to dust, opening up land for serious investment. Some rare thinkers (now threatened with extinction) question any assumption of naturally occurring emergent order from chaos; Emperor's New Invisible Hand guarantees Studenten will be totally lost in shuffling, buffaloing, and waffling, but few care as return on dollar invested per unit is virtually nil. Better a new Wallet-Mart where non-white tykes can work for slave-wages and demonstrate measurable productivity for a change. Education is up 6% this quarter--time to invest in Merka's future!
[The ever-proactive Pille Sisters--sensing the hot breath of the four winds of neglect--seriously considered packing the entire mass of school-youngsters up and sending them through the Peepergate but mere logistics, ethical considerations, and other pragmatics constrained them. All Erde is astir with notions of mass forced childe removals from that helle-ish world--seldom has such an issue engaged Erdens--who treat children as treasure--so throughly! The Emperor and Empress remain quiet, tense, and pensive as new data streams in from the Institute]
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