Director Zliplitt: Merkans, in truth, "in thrall" to fat jackasses

[From the oaken rolltop of Director Anatole Zliplitt]
Aeons ago (for "Urthers" only, yet a mere three swiftly passed years for the memory unimpaired and un-ADD-ed) the Merkan media dolt, presumed "film-maker," and spluttering fumarole, Michael the Moor, offered this ungenerous appraisal of his fellow Lap-top-landers--"They [Merkans] are possibly the dumbest people on the planet ... in thrall to conniving, thieving, smug pricks [...&tc. ad nauseum]" We here at the Institute found this a laughably obvious yet thoroughly plausible argument for non-resumption of free elections in that Wotan-accursed smudge. The folk there are transparently incapable of self-government (small surprise to Erdens!) and some manner of proper adult supervision should be ladled upon the entire dancing dervish of dither known as "da Urth," and not merely into the salacious helle-hole denoted Merka. Provided Michael excluded none contained within that broadest of categories--Merkans, and he being one, too--from his Judgement from on High, there was, on cursory examination of this predictable plume of puffery, no big news here.
Curiously, though, this jabbing judgement against fellow morons emanated from a booby well-prized by those same citizens who burble and croak endlessly about "communities" and "the Volk" and--odds bodkins--"democracy"! Their standard for good citizenship, no doubt, is acting in such a manner as to support their hobbyhorses (and it is--merely interrogate any "Blue-Stater" and be greeted with a cavalcade of presumptive arrogance in this regard). Their guiding principle is stated thusly: If you do not concur uncritically with our own high-grade blend of Tomfoolery and Ignorance you are clearly a moron, but we--being kind and caring i.e. nice smug pricks--will at least grant that you may be salvageable and worthy of conversion if you accept that your thoughts are not your own; you are an imbecile in helpless thrall to soulless hobgoblins." Based on this easy interpretation of the evidence, Erden psycho-analysts are convinced that Mr. Moor is autistic, terminally linear, bulbous with ego no less than with lard, and incapable of auspicious self-alert. The mental diseases of his followers may prove more elusive to nail.
The truthful evidence, however, is well-buttressed far beyond his initial self-serving platitude--our assuming he erroneously intended the Moor clan be exempted from condemnation. Knowledge of anything whatsoever, and good sense, are in catastrophic decline uniformly throughout Mr. D'Amour's waste/home-land. A graduate of fairly any Liberal (now Leftist) Arts collegium in the Blue States--a possessor no doubt of all the triple-chinned wonder's DVD and bookish marketing spoor--is as stone ignorant of history, geography, the sciences, and other "irrelevancies" (the fantastical romances of Herr Chomsky excepted) as the most inebriated Appalachian Australopithecine fast asleep on his tick-upholstered porch. This topsy-turvy state of affairs--where the "educated" are often the ignorant--has been present in Merka since the 60's Hippoid era when the over-fondled brat-ery of the 40's/50's Connubial Bonanza Times confronted their tenured overlords on the campuses and made it clear--in no uncertain temper tamtrum/potty training terms--that the "enlightened" poopy-pantsed babies (diaper-changing now revealed as further evidence of a most "naughty socio-political system") would now impose, by threat and fiat, curriculum upon the experienced adult elect. Within a decade, these self-same kiddies now "captained the school-transport" so-to-say, and vast portions of those enduring the educational system have had their unwashed noses buried in politically correct Golden Books and ethno-cultural Pat-the-Bunny ever since!
An insane notion, but Michael's much-abused common "Red-State," drawling, ring-wormed, idiot-savants may, in fact, be one-full-up on his self-satisfied bi-coastal cousins, as he or she will probably be neuro-connected enough to, at least, hoe a field, shoe a horse, mend a fence, or handily overhaul the "Tin Lizzy's" carburetor. Many bumpkins even possess--gasp--humility--a concept wholly unfamiliar to the New Unintelligentsia. Meanwhile, a matriculant (in the bladder-relief sense we've all dimly espied in that odd term) of most enlightened diploma-vending-machines cum brain-wash-clinics confronts any of life's non-virtual dilemmas with barely a worse-than-empty toolbox, and a gas inflated noggin congenitally directed up his or her posterior digestive egress! Abandoned to fate with a dead cellular telephone, a degree in Multicultural Pomposity, a plethora of cheap thought-free slogans of the uncontestable War is Helle variety, and a limitless capacity for blame-seeking and calling-for-yet-avoiding most urgent revolution!, the average Moor fan is as helpless as a newly aborted fetus before nature, physics, mechanics, a good stiff breeze, and Wotan's teasing whims.
The Moor scores invertedly and shortsightedly again with his mis-assertion that Merkans exceed the remainder of the world's populations in undiluted "dumb"-ness. The insult is a matter of perspective and does his own followers no small injustice. Question any street waif in Lesotho for the monickers of the major global aqueous bodies, or a brief on the particulars of the sub-atomica theory, or even a thorough run-down on the pragmatic goings-on within Lesotho's own governing body, and not only (as with the bulk of Left-leaning Merkan "college grads") will they be incapable of summoning up cogent answers, they will also not be able to fill the inevitable dead air with lofty smoke-screen belches about "corporations," "imperialism," "Haliburton," or Le Grande Cure-All for the knowledge-stressed--"relevancy." If all is content within that burdoned realm's tattered napkin-corner, democracy is a word cloaked in be-Greek-to-them, tin-pot dictatorships triumph, and Mr. Moor's ultimate secret goal is attained, that being: stupid people can then do no harm when denied the vote. The Moor's Übermenschen aristocracy, many solid micro-millimeter's below their worst national peers in upward-yearning knuckleheadedness, trump nearly every Sabu, Hassam, and Ting-Ling on that dreary planet by simply playing the know-it-all Politically Correct card! Once again, Merka is victorious by a hair's width via fantabulous displays of pure Bullscheiß--the House Specialty!
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