Three-hundredth Panopticon posting is Part II of "The Runes of Sebastian Lloyd"!
[From the desk of Perfessor Pille] A too brief halloo as I'm garbed in jammies and scheduled for the brushed cotton sheets of Morpheus. Here handed to me is a 6 by 9 indexical card upon which is inscribed the predictions of the next Rune of Sebastian Lloyd (Das Runen von Sebastian Lloyd) and it is hummed thusly:
- 2042- SL emerges from his Llamisery of Solitude high in the Tibetan lowlands and proceeds to utilize his limitless fortune to set up a vast retail chain establishment to be known as Null-Mart in an attempt to utterly destroy the globe-girdling totalitarianism called Wal-Mart. His new stores sell toilet paper for 3 cents a roll, piƱatas for a nickel, and 55 gallon drums of sucrose-drenched "root beer" for a dollar. The scheme is so successful that within a mere year the miracle-maker is able to employ desperate members of the Walton Family as minimum wage store greeters. Victorious, the Mighty SL jettisons the "crap" and gradually replaces it with health-giving and sturdy products offered to the public at highly reasonable prices (including inexpensive water-closet paper that does not cause a gluteal rash). Further, the chain is renamed from the pugilistic-sounding Null-Mart to We Really Like You Guys!
(be alerted to further adventures of "The Runes of Sebastian Lloyd," soon to be a National Optical Wireless entertainment starring Baby Chanute as "Sebastian Lloyd," Penny Pille as "Sarah," and Escrow Fountainbleau van Buren as "Papa Ted")
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