The Pfennig-Dreadful!

The Empire (scarcely to mention our world of Erde as a whole) is hardly flushed free of Low-Brau cultural product--survey above the tawdry Pfennig-Dreadful published unashamedly by a division of our Institute's very own printing house. Natch, these matters are entirely relative--on our world the widely regaled pen-smith Thornwell Twobears C.M. may be lauded as a teller of sensationalist tales to be read beach-side or in the water closet, lights doused, but compared to the loftiest standards of modernistical "Urth" literature-producers he is a titanic Cervantes of Crapola.*
In regards to Twobears' story headlining this specific number of the Wide Awake Library: technically the Empire has not witnessed strife with the Aztekians for near 500 years now--they are a deplorable yet generally sanguine peoples these days as their once unquenchable thirst for sacrificial Blut had been maneuvered (by our psyops folk, natch) into hyper-psychotic enthusiasm for an uncivilized competitive ball sport that, not so curiously, resembles in most general details your "rugby," "soccer," or iMerikan "football." It was labor enough to curtail their murderous designs on others; they are now free to massacre themselves. Still, adventure yarns and especially secret agent and scientifical-romance thrillers staged in the savage and heathenistic lands of Aztekia (as well as those of neighboring Inka-Dinkadoo) are popular among those who (like myself I will freely admit) appreciate the infrequent un-freighted slap-dash read.
Note: Rollo Pond--the hero of the bulk of Thornwell Twobears' stories--is a universally-known and beloved fictional character here on Erde, roughly equivalent to your Batman, Sherlock Holmes or Mr. Bubble.
Note: The kraken issue on our world has been elaborated upon before, as has the significance of the designation C.M. (for Citizen Monkey). No need to retrace these steps again but the ADD-curious and marijuana-dimmed are welcome to look any of it up via Pille-a-pedia if you can access the Imperial Interknit (and you can't).
*Others whose "cheesy" comestibles are perennially on the Portville Trumpeter Doubloon bestseller list are the historical-romance writer Irkadia Lyntmop (a good friend of Mrs. Pille's) and E. Warden Wharton, who scribes heady culinary private-eye/ear/nose/throat novels.
In regards to Twobears' story headlining this specific number of the Wide Awake Library: technically the Empire has not witnessed strife with the Aztekians for near 500 years now--they are a deplorable yet generally sanguine peoples these days as their once unquenchable thirst for sacrificial Blut had been maneuvered (by our psyops folk, natch) into hyper-psychotic enthusiasm for an uncivilized competitive ball sport that, not so curiously, resembles in most general details your "rugby," "soccer," or iMerikan "football." It was labor enough to curtail their murderous designs on others; they are now free to massacre themselves. Still, adventure yarns and especially secret agent and scientifical-romance thrillers staged in the savage and heathenistic lands of Aztekia (as well as those of neighboring Inka-Dinkadoo) are popular among those who (like myself I will freely admit) appreciate the infrequent un-freighted slap-dash read.
Note: Rollo Pond--the hero of the bulk of Thornwell Twobears' stories--is a universally-known and beloved fictional character here on Erde, roughly equivalent to your Batman, Sherlock Holmes or Mr. Bubble.
Note: The kraken issue on our world has been elaborated upon before, as has the significance of the designation C.M. (for Citizen Monkey). No need to retrace these steps again but the ADD-curious and marijuana-dimmed are welcome to look any of it up via Pille-a-pedia if you can access the Imperial Interknit (and you can't).
*Others whose "cheesy" comestibles are perennially on the Portville Trumpeter Doubloon bestseller list are the historical-romance writer Irkadia Lyntmop (a good friend of Mrs. Pille's) and E. Warden Wharton, who scribes heady culinary private-eye/ear/nose/throat novels.
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