A Brief Word or Two from Your Humble Savant: Professor Antonio Pille

Although I find myself frequently cordoned-off by practical matters from the privilege of injecting direct commentary into this increasingly illustrious electrical publication--mere wordsmithing minions and proofreading lackeys daily gussy-up and frame my colossal mental meanderings--the goings-on of this post-for-the-planet are hardly elsewhere removed from my thoughts. This, though the Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries--my very spawn so-to-say--is currently enraptured in such stupendous bobbulations as the design of the new D'annic railway and the expostulations of the astounding "Time Jelly" phenomenon. This overworked overlord must admit (somewhat painfully) that the Mount Palomine Institute of Mysteries truly has over-grabbed our globe by the hands. Therefore, although my appearances may be short and vague (and true aspect tall and focused!), my hand-prints lay inevitably about-scattered through these splendorous pages.
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