Intelligence Chief "Worried"--Nation Moves to Fire-Wagon Red

Director of the Imperial Intelligence Office, Frau Doktor Anna Smelder-Blorgstrum, at today's weekly press debriefing, informed representatives of the various mediums and National Optical Wireless reporters that she was "deeply worried" about the way things were generally proceeding even though she "couldn't put [her] finger on precisely what the dilemma could allegedly be." "Judge it intuition if you will," she continued, "but I think the citizenry should all lock its doors and perhaps stay in tonight and just watch some variety shows on Optical Wireless." The Doktor, and her office, have had the jitters these last weeks, subsequently boosting the National Spectrum Advisory from a deep mauve to very nearly a fire-wagon red. The previous incident where I.I.O. posted near a primary color (Blue), the mid-central districts were beset with a rain of amphibians--frogs, newts, red efts, yellow-spotteds and (somewhat surprisingly) hell-benders--along with small cones of chalk. That event was traced directly to Loki and was merely an epiphenomenon of some Other Business. A decade previous, in a legendary near-calamity, the Director experienced mild dizziness and vapours, and mere hours later The Floating City pulled free of its moorings and careened aimlessly southward down the Eastern Coastline, very nearly colliding with several startled pleasure ships. It was brought to a halt through the heroic efforts of tribes of somewhat bemused migrating whales. Frau Doktor Smelder-Blorgstrum was appointed to the Directorship by the Empress in 1987.
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