A Pause and Greetings from Professor Antonio Pille and the Staff of the Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries--Good Day to You All!
Mere niggardliness and petty pecuniary perspectives disallowed ourselves to be-use any other than speedy advantage of the "Blogger" medium for what must mandatorially, and in some further epoch, be a Full Tilt Web Site permitting dazzling graphics, loadable and exciting (to dullards) "Activity X" controls, viruses abounding at little additional remuneration, games, diversions, trivialities, and linkages to saucy and bawdy sites most would prefer to amble and loll lustily about within like decayed Romantowners on holiday. Meanwhilst, we must settle--as beggars not being selectors--for the duration with this tentative and amateurish initial excursion into the electronical abscesses, an interloping hardly ideal, and vehemently lacking in conveniences and accepted modernistical lowerings-of-standards geared for the attention deficit-ed. First and foremost amongst numbered consternations is the ordering of the postings; in a common low-life street blog each "ejection" boldly presents itself as the most up-to-date blatherings of the blogster, and all posts beneath their The Petite Epiphany have little if any value, as the blog-preparer has certainly lost sight of them his or her self anyway and shuffled on to even Greater Obliquities of Nothingness. However, in this Mt. Palomine Institute "Blog" it is best to, as it were, read from the lowest up as if the audience member were some disoriented Orphane of Judea perusing the Torah or, similarly, a bucolic attendant plucking ripened taters from the body of black mother Urth. Sans the perspective of the eons, the postings of the present day make little friction on the sensibilities, and perhaps only we, as unique Blogsters, dare even hazard this justifiably arrogant assertion. Ipso Facto, it is exhorted to the moderately attention-riveted herein that a precipitous plummet downward upon the very ocean-floor of this sea-of-words Via the Archives (!) should be the initial activity (and it is, truly, a suitable visit to the entertaining oceanic Coelacanth story--our inaugural post!). Then, work ones way skyward--monkeywise--until the newliest observation is reattained--an action in verisimilitude to ancient (yet lost) manners of "doing things" i.e. starting at the beginning. Furthermore, it is self-evident to even the most lackadaisical that the listings of our Mister Dimp should be prised from these pages and ignited with kerosene and cheap combustibles. We shall, here at my Institute, allow him the infrequent word or deuce so that we may maintain our "share," as the cretins within our soon-to-be-catapulted-into-the-Kraken-filled-nautical-depths Marketing Division phrase it (The structure and its driveling occupants will fly through the skies--the event will be advertised and admission shall be free--edifying to youth!). We hold now, at this point, for a short while as I, your most humble savant, Professor Antonio Pille of the Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries, carefully scan through earlier postings, augment and delete language, buff, burnish, and view the damage...and the pearls! [The next series of postings shall be from myself only and contained within may be increased light upon much of what exists here already. Our readers should know of our layout, our place of inhabitance--that being the community of Portville in the Narragansett National District--and motley dribs and drabs of our fascinating history. Unsolicited commentators have made wonder about such things--as any Erde school-child can lecture haphazardly upon--as the terror-provoking Kraken, our current heroic campaign against Autistic-Horrorism, the detailed particulars of our most beloved and pacifist-impress-ed Emperor Louis Napoleon VI and Empress Questina Matrix II, our thundering Great God Wotan, their permanent yet quadrally-rotating Dizzy Man in the White Mansion (or Flak-Rod), our splendid sciences, the vile and despicable Absolutisms, the amiable and agreeable Tunarians, our new-found relations with the Dual Venusians, our dismay at the wreckage of a spoiled society on Thor, our uncovery of your laugh-riotous "Urth," sundry geographies, topologies, biologies, zoologies, antiquities, numismaticisms, sauceristics, etc...all will be made transparent in time!]
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