"Red State Riders" Tragically Amuse Crowds at KRASCAR rally
Sadly, we learned that following the parody roundup ride depicted above, the Dohgorse--Herr Old Blue--ate the unidentified citizen-monkey. "It was quite a workout and I wuz hungry!" explained Old Blue. KRASCAR organizers vow to use only the well-trained Imperial Balucatheriums in follow-up events; Dohgorses have proved too dangerous. Citizen-monkey guilds are preparing a protest to the Imperial Baseball Commissioner since this will mean loss of work--a citizen-monkey can no more guide a Balucatherium than a flea an Iron Horse! The Empress is expected to intervene as one of her many responsibilities is Protector and Benefactress of Citizen-Monkeys. Dohgorses across the Empire are growling and pawing at their food bowls. We're expecting quite a row over this incident, especially if the katz get involved! Stay tuned.
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