National Public Wireless Champions Democracy, Sensitively Gives Da Peoples Whats Deys Wants
Efforts to simultaneously downplay elitism, promote culture, give wide berth to Euro-Centrist cultural domination, cater to Western intellectual snobbery, cater to anti-Western Western intellectual snobbery, promote cultural diversity, increase sensitivity to the aspirations and yearnings of the common Volk (theirs, not ours), avoid the crassness of low-brow, ignorant, commoner tastes (ours, not theirs), promote patronizing Third World cultural-romanticism and tourism, patronizingly defend the Third World against patronizing romanticism and tourism, patronize our own common unwashed Volk, and remain pridefully commercially nonviable, and socio-politically incomprehensible, have yielded programming proposals for (among many other things) live Greco-Roman nude cock-fight coverage from Lincoln Center (see above), rain-forest people's vegetarian "cooking" shows, Schoenberg played by mariachi bands, and lost-language karaoke broadcasts from the Norge Pole. "We're proud to offer an alternative to the confusing mess that's modern popular mass media!" says NPW Director Gladys Oolamba-Scharnhorst.
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