Queenie of Kanadia Bemoans Fate of Alle Civilization!

A Northern regent, heat-headedly responding to the below-posted Bumbletown Cautionary, posted the briefest, yet most pungent and perplexing yet of all insinuations affixed to this thing-we-call-a-blog. To quote: "We're Fucked!" which may be Kanadese for Truly! Troubles pursue us with no possible claim to balm or surceasance! One can only surmise when dealing with odd argot of that ice-bound realm of nimble pixies and lumbering-Jacques.
[Late Note from a now-recuperated-yet-on-sabatical Professor (see above): Her Hochheit's address in Ontarioland is ohthepressure.blogspot, and following a rapid survey and appraisal of this personal zone--which was requested of us through Her Majesty's attorneys--we noted only one mention of the "N' word (no, the other "N" word, no, no, not that one even!) and no reference to tabby cats whatsoever, which is reassuring in the greatest. Pardon us as we ourselves are barely a blog and the arcane civilities and formalities sometimes elude us...or we elude them if we eyeball them first. The blog under scrutiny is also of a mature nature--short stories we believe, although of fiction or not is unclear without far deeper probings as virtually everything we encounter on the Interknit is incredible in the maximum. The quality of writing, although abounding in saucy expletives and graphic references to semi-reproductive acts (a sign of your salty times we'd wager), is otherwise artistic and highly competent with skillful similes and metaphors evenly mixed within the "batter." The setting, unlike our own lumpen affair, is dark, yet appealing--suggestive of secrecies and hidden treaties, perhaps comfortable silken nightwear. We especially enjoyed the brief reminiscence of the dwarfish iron horse that, with concerted effort and stolid determination, finally demonstrated to friend and foe alike that it @!#!-ing could!]
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