Hippie Heaven Institute of Luv encourages respect and understanding of all the faiths of the world

We at the Hippie Heaven Institute of Luv have been upsetted by the recent spate of "dissings" directed at the myriad faiths of the Gaia--World Planetress. In the Vikinglands cartoons recently appeared depicting the Bykist holy prophet with a ham on his head; in Merka, a sculpture of the chief hoodoo--Geesusaitchkryst--was put on display immersed in a glass of warm beer; in Pencil-vaynia the top Quacker of the Brotherhood of Friendly Duckers is used to sell hot oatmeal; and cartoonists (again!) are making fun of followers of Enron "Bear" Cupboard and his highly scientifical Church of Zionphrenology. Even on these pages, disrespectful peoplepersons have mercilessly attacked the leader of another zany cult, maliciously dubbing this pipe-smoking conduit to JHVH an "Autistic Horrorist." We are against all this "Hate Cartooning" and "Hate Thinking" and "Hate Weaving" and have decided to fight back with the following:
- Bumper stickers reading "Stop the Hate Right Now!"
- An interactive web site encouraging people to stop hating
- An email campaign directed at people who hate people
- A candlelight vigil on the steps of the Pongo Town Hall with placards reading "Honk if you're against Hate!"
- "Stop the Hate Right Now!" refrigerator magnets and T-shirts, along with STHRN brand running shoes and action wear
- A special edition STHRN Pillemaster brand 2006 AP Futility Vehicle
- A big rally at the Imperial Capital in The Floating City scheduled for this summer
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