Institute encourages "Urthers" miffed by melting to just go with the flow!

While Erdens fret about the global warping problem that was recently detected on our lovely planet (see earlier article in May of 1957 issue), "da Urth" is also a little (and we do mean a little) concerned about sea levels rising since all the ice sitting on top of places like Greenland is melting fast. [Contrary to popular belief, the ice floating in the North Polar waters--much like the solid coolant in a scotch and soda--once melted, will not add a single millimeter to overall sea levels due to complex and abstruse laws of physics that we lack the space to explain comprehensively. That "meltage" (not a real word) will, however, cause toilet bowls, above-ground swimming pools, and tumblers full of scotch and soda to overflow].
At any rate, our mad scientists were very impressed with a Top Secret study commissioned by Pez-head-ent Boosch and the Merkan TSA (Top Secrit Agency) following the Katrina response debacle failure disaster. Knowing full well that the Merkan city of N'orleens-Jass was, to paraphrase the study's conclusion, "fooked," imaginative solutions were sought by the best brains in intelligence and we agreed the most imaginative (and cost-effective) was creating genetically mutated under-sea-worthy-men-and-women-of-color, or Blaquamen, who could not only survive but flourish in blighted urban areas doomed to be twenty feet under water. Well, why not create an entire multi-ethnic civilization of bottom-feeding boys and gilled girls who could dwell among the fishies? The benefits are multitudinous, variegated, and innumerably undelimited:
- Pollution involving the atmosphere would no longer be a concern to anyone, not that it is anyway
- Oil prices (and oil) will become irrelevant as aqua-persons, or people-of-water (as they will inevitably be called by the lexically-obsessed), learn to ride fuel-efficient dolphins and porpoises
- Proper sanitation and water supplies become non-issues as humans, like fish, would be able to simultaneously use their immediate surroundings as both reservoirs and pissoirs
- Traffic jams in major cities will become a thing of the past when humans abandon major cities and the past
- Urthy-crunchies can "birth" their infants in all-natural salt water just as Mommy Nature intended and that should make them happy; perhaps they can learn to lay eggs again which is a concept so drenched in naturalness that it makes even us all wriggly with excitement
- Christians will be in a perpetual state of baptism and that should make them deliriously happy
- Annoying vegans, lacking major sources of anal-retentive fruits and vegetables, will face extinction unless they develop a taste for kelp
- Tremendous savings to taxpayers as they no longer need to spend money on sun tan lotion, lawnmowers, or toasters
- Costly EMF producing cell phones can be replaced with genetically engineered (and all-natural) sonar and ultrasonics
- Terrorism would be squelched since most bombs can't explode if they become moist and most religious fanatics--like wicked witches--don't like to get wet anyway
- Sushi would be as fresh as it can get (an additional incentive for yuppies reluctant to be turned into guppies)
- The national weight problem would be solved as the buoyancy of salt water will support additional heft and humans can naturally evolve into more pleasing walrus-like shapes
- Whales could be genetically altered to become land mammals again--sent safely out of harm's way
- Spongebob wouldn't be just a popular cartoon but a way of life
- Fishermen will be in their element
- No more mosquito problem
*We could simply cut-to-the-chase and mutate corporate types into sharks, sponges, monk-fish and various nautical invertebrates--ditto with politicians and religious leaders
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