Get out and vote a lot!
This addmoretisment for the Imperial Committee for Sane Deities (not to be confused with the Imperial Committee for Danish Cities) requires a bit of explanation for the "Urth"-bound as it is an optimal example of high Erden spunkiness and illumilunacy.
Outwardly, the "kitten" (for us a common symbol of wide-eyed preconscious naivete) is staring at its own reflection, and it is in a metaphoraphysical way. However, rather than getting the point--which is that it is looking at its own reflection--the adorable kitty is transfixed instead on that rather goofy-looking avian Wotan has stuck upon his hat. The kitten is "hungry," and can't see the forest for the crows, that is if kittens looked like forests, which they don't, and if that bird was a crow, which, knowing Wotan, it isn't. The kitten's thinking too much about birdies and not enough about registering to vote.
The average Erden (her name is Magilla and she lives right down the lane) looks at this poster and laughs because the addmoretisement is sincerely poking fun at itself, and that's a great way to sell anything to an Erden.
[Ed: A note to "Urth-ers"--at the very bottom of the graphic, in tiny print, the "ND" does not stand for the "state" of "Nort Duh-cowder" (a beef chowder?), but for National District.
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