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Professor Pille's Planetary Panopticon

Currently under advisement and endless reconstruction. Perhaps confusing yet amusing. A highly vulnerable manifestation of the internationally-regarded Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries and its founder, the venerable Professor Antonio Pille. Dedicated with warmest regards to the varied ghosts of Aristophanes, Rabelais, Swift, Sterne, Jarry, Mencken, Baron Munchhausen, and the gentle and honorable Robert Benchley.

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Location: Portville, Narragansett National District

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

A Lovely View of the Moontown

Happy-Go-Lucky Life on D'anna, our "Moon"

A rapid transit conveyance (Astra-moonaut-o-bus) pauses for an equally rapid photo whilst in the background the 1pm robotical Imperial Mail Express "blasts-off" for Erde --and directly on schedule! Within seconds the racing rocket will exit through the D'anna-Dome automated airlock and vault out into the infinity of space. Fret not dear reader, the dense and billowy exhaust is an in-combustion complex carbon molecule conversion to a manner of healthy fertilizer and the flight path has been cunningly plotted over farmland; every mail delivery makes for bulkier and tastier cabbages! The passengers on number 63 are voyaging to the Satyrday ballgame at Moontown's Crater Park--today's challenge being between the home-team Moontown Jamskunks and the Mare Tempesta Chocolate Waffles. Baseball on our sister world is reputed to be quite the endeavor with gravity only 40% (...and only slowly rising, Herr D'anna Commissioner Hembricks!) of Erde's. A home run "knocked beyond the park" twelve years ago recently went into orbit around Venus. Hel-lo commuters, best hustle on up now so you'll have leisure to purchase your mug of mead and a crowdog before the first pitch. Low gravity economies have their advantages--a crowdog on D'anna costs only 2 francs!


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