A Lovely View of the Moontown
A rapid transit conveyance (Astra-moonaut-o-bus) pauses for an equally rapid photo whilst in the background the 1pm robotical Imperial Mail Express "blasts-off" for Erde --and directly on schedule! Within seconds the racing rocket will exit through the D'anna-Dome automated airlock and vault out into the infinity of space. Fret not dear reader, the dense and billowy exhaust is an in-combustion complex carbon molecule conversion to a manner of healthy fertilizer and the flight path has been cunningly plotted over farmland; every mail delivery makes for bulkier and tastier cabbages! The passengers on number 63 are voyaging to the Satyrday ballgame at Moontown's Crater Park--today's challenge being between the home-team Moontown Jamskunks and the Mare Tempesta Chocolate Waffles. Baseball on our sister world is reputed to be quite the endeavor with gravity only 40% (...and only slowly rising, Herr D'anna Commissioner Hembricks!) of Erde's. A home run "knocked beyond the park" twelve years ago recently went into orbit around Venus. Hel-lo commuters, best hustle on up now so you'll have leisure to purchase your mug of mead and a crowdog before the first pitch. Low gravity economies have their advantages--a crowdog on D'anna costs only 2 francs!
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