Ecstatic Accolades and Electrical Embraces Tumble in Willy-Nilly!
Another effulgent endorsement (note below)--this truncated-yet-pungent missive heralding from a gloried fairy-tale Wunderland across the Nautical Abysses! We here at the Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries are overcome with abandoned glee with this First Contact with aliens--strange-lings that communicate in a tongue hitherto unknown to us though similar in shadowy outline to the lost Trans-Iberian Espresso language absorbed osmotically (much like the cool-blooded Trans-Iberians themselves) by unruly Aztecs many years ago! In commemoration of this new benchmark event, Director Zliplitt donned a sombrero, perhaps imbibed some pharmaceuticals, and was seen cake-walking to-and-fro within the Institute horseless contrivance parking lot confines! The Director (not known for rambunctiousness), accoutered in Aztekian haberdashery and transparently off his lid, is a chortlesome sight that must be eyeballed first-handedly to be cognitively incised! We are also festivating nigh fifty or so postings, all plumbing lubricious lexical sea-bottoms, without recourse yet to a Thesaurus, a source of oxygen, or a hernia truss! [As a post-scriptum, a reader hailing from neighboring Kanadia has recently judged us "intellectually stimulating," I jest with you not! We are upon a juggernaut-like roll of international popularity with a double side of sauerkraut!]
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