Oy, the Humanity! "Hindenboard" Blows Up! Hooray!

Initially mediums were concerned this was another Autistic-Horrorist "suicide-Zeppelin" attack on an unused broccoli-field. In truth, the Portville Chamber of Parking promotional airship Hindenboard--utilized recently to get the questionable Free Parking in Portville message across to the citizenry--simply impacted with the whip antenna of Dr. Wu's newest AFV (Absurd Futility Vehicle) prototype and exploded rather gaily before a large and delighted group of onlookers. Investigators found this accident odd, as the Hindenboard was inflated with non-flammable Helium. All the staff and personnel of the Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries marketing department, including director Patchouli Quakerflake, were aboard and all are (hopefully) now seated comfortably at the left hand of their Dark Lord and Master. Fraulein Quakerflake and her, uh, "associates" were holding a brainstorming brunch on the vast airship--pondering similar tasteless and obnoxious methods to market and advertise the services of the Institute--but judging from the deluge of supportive calls and telegrams we've received since the "tragedy," incinerating ones marketeers in a quick, public, and effective manner such as this may get our message of Progress and Science (and ability to efficiently eliminate numbered birds with a single stone) across far more effectively. Our ever-lovable Director Zliplitt of the Institute Department of Public Assuagement (and most emphatically not a member, and never a chum of the marketing team) agrees. He will be serving up cookies and cocoa in his office this evening as a "memorial" and has promised to roll up his carpet to create a dance floor for those so inspired. The Institute has no plans to replace the lost employees and the now blissfully empty department offices will be aired, bleached, and de-loused, and eventually transformed into the Mt. Palomine Institute Marketing Department Memorial Leech and Lamprey Petting Zoo. Gossip has it that the Emperor and Empress may consider offering free Zeppelin rides around Dr. Wu's offices and workshop to various politicos, quacks, absolutists, best-buddies of deities, and the terminally socially-conscious and over-earnest of all stripes and persuasions. Dr. Wu has been promoted to Chief of Development.
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