Hush! A Quiet Aside: A Recommendation to "Urthers"

Having eyeballed within a popular Blue-Stater periodical on "da Urth" (via "Peeper" contraption) a pathetic pontification wherein awkward rationalizings and flummery were artlessly lathered to the forced-enthusiastic hailing of the somewhat dizzy New Kidder on the Block (seen in somber state plumage above--we know he yearns for leisure-wear tips from the Grande Vizier of Lib-yeah), we humbly recommend that if Blue-Staters wish to uplift this recentest love-clown to demi-gottheit within its lifetime, they should, at very least, lend ear and cranium to the rhetorical methods and refinements of the Red-State Maestro-Apologists, who have kept aloft, atop buffeting hot praises and heaven-directed Hosannas, their own unique brand of Levitating Nincompoop for several years now. In truth, we would prefer to accept (as lesser of evil self-delusions), rather, the homely and forthright stupidity of the stupidly forthright adage: The enemy of my enemy is my friend!--this easily tattooed, T-shirt Statement of Principle traditionally enabling political naifs to radically reduce their own numbers by (and with high irony) offering their virginity to snack-seeking sharks and wolves in "People's" clothing. One outstanding puffery collided into by this darting yet humble savant maintains that the peasantry of the equatorial hinterlands by nature respond best to the flamboyant bamboozlements of hyperbolic-ally charismatic leaders, not then as much (by implication, I'll inductively assume) to the appeals of sober and undramatic personages of learning and merit. This otherwise trenchant observation struck this agog reader dumb as, by strict and self-righteous Blue-Stater standards, it would characterize a species of culturally-patronizing political incorrectitude in extremis (unless applied solely to the "Red" district dwellers, naturlich! See earlier posting). Needless to say, sun-struck hayseeds of any plumage, under the bewitchment of any Snake Oil Sales-Person, regardless how saintly (and aren't they all), do not make for a healthy and productive nation (unless one subscribes--even roughly--to the speak/see/hear-no-evil braindeadism of Cultural Equivalency which places Aztec sacrificial altars neatly aside Unitarian pews and Buddhist subtleties). Needless to say, we here on Erde sense the "demeaning" generalization should be hot-laminated onto the entire Circus Side-Show that be politics upon "da Urth." I would add too, at risk of Giving the Game Away Freely, that perhaps the reason for successes of the Red-State factions in recent years is that they've been sopping-up all the efficacious populist hoopla and trickery of the storied People's Parties while deftly side-stepping many of these grass-rooted Movements' self-destructive internal misorganizings, double-bindings, and self-deludings. Just a dainty and meager thought.
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