Panopticon to "go all normal all of a sudden"
Well, at least for a few minutes or so. Hmm. Ah yes, fresh air...and my coffee. Good--things are starting to gel. Sun's out. Nice. Anyway, we here at the Institute(s) have been hammering away at this old thang now for--let's see--since October or so which is nearly half a year, as the crow flies. Six months. Wow. Checking the counter (we have an old fashioned mechanical one hooked up--every time someone comes in the "door" to the Institute it tugs a string and this contraption with little black wheels printed with numbers advances by a single digit) and we see we've got at least six or seven regular guests to the site and a handful of irregular ones. Probably a total of twelve, tops. A small dinner party. The maximum number of people that can fit in a phone booth. A jury.
The idea of the site was to be kind of offbeat and fun with a little confusing social commentary tossed in to leaven the gefilte fish, as they say at the whaling wall in Nome. What's happened is the world itself (your world, "da Urth"), in that short period of time, has revealed itself to be far more wacky than anything we here at the Institute can serve up. Tough competition. What we discussed (heatedly at times) during the general staff meeting this morning was what to do next. This topic is still up in the air and will probably engage us for several weeks.
Professor Pille, however, in typical Pillelogical style made it clear that he thought we hadn't "transgressed with our obfuscatory dilutions in a distant-ward directed enough manner" meaning we hadn't gone far enough. Indeed. Sitting within this small pile of postings is the outline of an entire alternate cosmology of sorts and the Prof thinks we should immanentize it all a tad better. How to do that is the question; so we're going to work on that for a while.
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