Institute scientists puzzled by yet another new "Urther" socio-political crusade

The current theory here at the Mt. Palomine Institute is that this highly disturbing activist poster depicts a well-known giant Unca S'ham puppet--made from (or by) "Bread and Circuits." He is clearly saddened by his dowdy and insincere wimmin's-wear cross-dressing outfit. The immense puppet wishes (s)he/it could dress perhaps more like Mike-hole Jack-sin--shown on the poster performing (certainly) his hit song "Beat It," indicating badly dressed Imperialism should depart from his native land (Floor-duh?) post haste. Perhaps Imperialism is mere metaphorical "cross-dressing" and Mike-hole symbolizes The One True trans-gender awareness? Unfortunately, our scholars have not decoded the inchoate ramblings of the various "Urth" Frawn-chi-land philosophers sufficiently to understand what "Urthers" might think they really mean when they don't really mean much of anything to begin with anyway. The significances of Unca S'ham's rose garden breasts (?) and Mike-hole Jack-sin's gold-daubed tin whistle and purple bow-ties (that are affixed to threatening looking static-charged hair!) are just plain beyond us, thank Wotan. We also thought he only wore one white glove.
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