Succulent Bejeebers! A Kindness! A Confection!

A electricity-generating factric has this moment wafted in from the gentle cirruses above, settled, adjusted its cumber-bum, and ambled drunkenly (yet stylishly) across the lustrous surface of my cooling spinet. Apparently mention has been made of this Institute, my Person, and the scientific/historical ramblings of my hired cohorts, within the flickering foolscap of another "Urthly" blog, floating--out there--in the dim and near-infinite Virtuality-Space! We are flattered, flattened, and fully fandangoed! The excited assembled staff--security, custodial, citizen-monkey, no exceptings--of the Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries has eye-balled this newly revealed companion--the creation of a comely, yet menacing (and surely stiletto- wielding!), Corsican who is made singular and re-findable with the Celtish-ringing handle, The Erin. She is indubitably a brain-hunkered lass; The Institute has universally pronounced the blog Golden with Oak-Leaf Cluster. An abruptly amour-stricken, moon-pied Director Zliplitt viewed one pic-choked entry on The Erin's blog and nuttily interrogated as to the identity of the, to quote, "sumptuous aryanesque blonde, the Wotanic vision of fjordian pulchritude, the embrasure-of-all-luminosity man would typically view capering coquettishly about the linoleumed halls of Valhalla in jewel-studded carpet slippers configured as hound dogs" that we find embedded sofa-wise behind the "besotted, Titania-seeking, humoresque" (Zliplitt's envy-forged words) dubbed a STACKHAUS in one of the myriad mirthful daguerreotypes of a fantastic orgy, appended to the impressive literary reminiscences of The Erin. By the instant he loudly began demanding a harquebus duel with the hapless STACKHAUS, an oaken bucket of water, heaved by a green-visaged custodial, cooled his ardor and soggily restored The Director's dignity. To survey what we have only moments ago seen within this "blog," to witness a creepily frigid record of leering, maddened, hormone-inflected males swinging about vine-draped mugs of mead; ankle-flashing, gyrating sirens, floozies, and strumpets caught doing the Hokey-Pokey and Charleston; a witless reckoning of wrecklessly abandoned wastrels; and obscene debauches of boxes o' booze ordered up for some birth-date bacchanalia, (along with somber notes and dry observations of the The Erin who deigned to roll out the understated assignation rambunctiously for the hell-bent hootenanny) then haul your haunted indexical across the glowing tablet before you, and hammer home most forcefully upon the linkage defined below as it was clogged with Cheeze-Its debris, and doused (as was everything, everywhere!) with aqueous budget inebriants, and is now quite jammed and rusted. Our thanks again for this free notice, and the attendant kind words, well plumbed and multi-syllabically "Pilled." We shall, with enthusiasm and inquisitivity, read through aloud this "blog" of The Erin's morsel by morsel during our daily Zack beverage break, anticipating added insights and further galleries of depravity.
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