An Even (and very odd) One Hundred!

Our Centenary Posting!
To celebrate, in a miniscule manner, this one-hundredth (!) posting on our recently-founded "blog" of the Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries, I, Anatole Zliplitt, have the honor of presenting the worlds with a brace of new entries into the Grand Lexicon: pillogic and pillogical. (This brings the total number of words commonly used on Erde to 53,621 and on "Da Urth" to very nearly 163--motivation for "Urther" celebratory log-thumping and book burning!) Details upcoming. The Institute baker, obviously, had child-like difficulty with the spelling of our founder's surname, or was possibly still miffed about an earlier altercation involving muffins. To additionally mark this day, we have sent a challenge to the staff--such as their itchinesses may be--of the "Urthbound" stooping-to-conquer, mono-syllabic, Inter-knit-wittery known to dullards as Der Un-yun (currently posting hot-blooded critiques of potato-crisp ingesting computing engine geekoids, and a hard-boiled commentary on their Vice-dripping "PEZ-head-ent" named Cheese-knees that may well topple their government! As always, thumb on the pulse of a moribund "nation"--satires of dead things, as a groggy crab upon a poisoned corpse). Thankfully, we here on Erde, and at the Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries, with the treasured aid and cooperation of Wotan and the Creatrix, have gushed forth worlds damnably worthy of being made sport of!
oh, bill. you're fuckin hilarious, as ever.
also, your blog is a lot prettier than mine.
i'm in the middle of writing a paper on sol lewitt. the next time i drop in i'll be more of a conversationalist.
(ps - i'm glad you found my blog!! because, like i do with all small important pieces of paper in my bag, i lost your email address.)
Do people actually communicate through these things? I mean do you go back and check for a response? If you respond, I guess I'll have my answer, won't I.
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