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Professor Pille's Planetary Panopticon

Currently under advisement and endless reconstruction. Perhaps confusing yet amusing. A highly vulnerable manifestation of the internationally-regarded Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries and its founder, the venerable Professor Antonio Pille. Dedicated with warmest regards to the varied ghosts of Aristophanes, Rabelais, Swift, Sterne, Jarry, Mencken, Baron Munchhausen, and the gentle and honorable Robert Benchley.

My Photo
Location: Portville, Narragansett National District

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Prof plugged by prehensile politico

"Any publicity is good publicity"--Pontius Pilate
Third "stooge" in "da Urth's" amusing Neue Three Stooges trio (Boosh, Adamant-jihad, and this cockamamie Venus-whaler fellow) confesses to "Urth" Assembly of Nations that all his ideas were cribbed from Professor Pille's latest fictional action/espionage epic. Institute sociocoroners inquire: Can the Venus-whaler ever top the insurmountable Curly?

While enraptured by the free global advertising in what Tony Pille describes (in his nonsensical Corporealatese) as a "jelly-soft, no-think-um, flop-market," the Professor himself is a bit concerned that pics of this event (that have been maliciously altered with DaguerreoShop (c)) are circulating showing, instead of his own opus, rather some "trashy penny-thriller by that addle-brained Norman Chowderskee clown-shoe!"

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Just a reminder that the holiday season approacheth

On Lapdancer! On Vixen!--One of Old Nick's aetherial assistants, in training for Santariamas Eve gallop through the skies

Saturday, September 23, 2006

A Note to Treasured Loyal Readers, especially New Treasured Loyal Readers

Ed Pahnjorndice--The Skeptical Nice Guy

The Panopticon turns a full year old in nearly a month. What began as a later-hours Experimente Scientifique Interknittalle, has, through sprawl and genetic carelessness, evolved into a great, sweaty, hairy, monstrosity of a thing, barely held together within a straining sack of stitched-up skins. Those unfortunates determined to peruse the archives will find inconsistencies in tone, manner, and detail; a year and over 300 postings later (and a MySpace thingamabob too, and a spin-off blog of uneven merit that we regret having mid-wifed) and we have, to our chagrin, managed to almost accidentally produce a roughly-configured Brave Olde (parallel dimensional) World, a lopsided parallel history, a host of interesting, albeit dimly limned, characters, and a bucket-load of neologisms that even I, the editor, have difficulty maintaining and herding about.

Well, editor I am and editor I plan to be. Some rewriting and editing, some organizing of data, and some clearer delineating of the fanciful characters are undoubtedly in order. A few older pics need to be gussied up too, and we have just acquired a version of DaguerreoShop (thanks for that, LB!) which we plan to apply to the effort. Some terrific personalities need resurrection (Jayneslyke Julianus for starters) and all the worthwhile ones should be placed in steady rotation. A few of the more personal and topical tirades will be relocated (with the use of tongs) to a dust bin. In other words (and we've made this threat before...without keeping to it, but this time we really mean it!), it be Editin' Time.

The result, hopefully, will be a more pleasing and consistent Work-d'Art.

Generata Lemonadum

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Creatrix pledges heightened efforts in implementing Intelligent Redesign program

Horseless-carriager nearly injured by Massabe-Dornau rock slide that investigators blame on poor quality matrix and faulty tectonics

Lawsuits proliferate as citizens and authorities continue to uncover sloppy workwomanship, cost over-runs, and outright mistakes--Emperor alludes to "botch job" during speech given at Floating City Vall-malla shopperterrarium grand opening--zoologators find "unneeded and expensive parts" in some Erden fauna
Upcoming detailed article

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Get out and vote a lot!


This addmoretisment for the Imperial Committee for Sane Deities (not to be confused with the Imperial Committee for Danish Cities) requires a bit of explanation for the "Urth"-bound as it is an optimal example of high Erden spunkiness and illumilunacy.

Outwardly, the "kitten" (for us a common symbol of wide-eyed preconscious naivete) is staring at its own reflection, and it is in a metaphoraphysical way. However, rather than getting the point--which is that it is looking at its own reflection--the adorable kitty is transfixed instead on that rather goofy-looking avian Wotan has stuck upon his hat. The kitten is "hungry," and can't see the forest for the crows, that is if kittens looked like forests, which they don't, and if that bird was a crow, which, knowing Wotan, it isn't. The kitten's thinking too much about birdies and not enough about registering to vote.

The average Erden (her name is Magilla and she lives right down the lane) looks at this poster and laughs because the addmoretisement is sincerely poking fun at itself, and that's a great way to sell anything to an Erden.

[Ed: A note to "Urth-ers"--at the very bottom of the graphic, in tiny print, the "ND" does not stand for the "state" of "Nort Duh-cowder" (a beef chowder?), but for National District.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Institute kraken pen construction delayed

Immense titaniumoid squid gates may still not be enough say squeemish city elders

This posting is also "under construction"

Pongo's Pugilist Players posit upcoming Shakespeare Fest featurettes

Merlander Bascule--who is slated to play the fussy Mephistofelix against Genevieve H'cloren's slovenly Desdemona Faust in Shakespeare's comedy of terrors: Oddfellahs

Also lined up to slug away at the Stage-Fest--running through the autumn season--will be productions of Elizabeth Shakespeare's Romeo and Romeo and Narcissus and A Midlife Night's Crisis; and two of her historical assasselection plays: Julia's Scissors and the recently rediscovered MacBooth--the tragic tale of a civil and celebrated thespian who, while preparing for the part of a murderer in a play to be staged at some ancient kingdom's court, imbibes a magic transformative potion (to "illume and reveal the shadowed portion within man") and subsequently becomes a notorious theatrical political assassin. The festival will conclude, as always, with Liz Shakespeare's best-loved work: Frankendane.

La Bouef sur la Mer du Kabecky

Imprégnez-vous de l'une des plus grandes richesses du Kaybecky, le fleuve Saint-Frommant! Pour mieux le découvrir, le site Interknit Circuits Saint-Frommant propose trois itinéraires pour partir à la découverte des abords fluviaux de quatre régions, à savoir Kaybecky, Charlebubado, Bas-Saint-Frommant et McLaugaine-Appalaches Zoopierre. En plus d'offrir une carte d'orientation et de l'information sur ces régions, vous y trouverez également une liste d'attraits touristiques, de lieux d'hébergement et de restaurants afin de vous aider à planifier votre séjour.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Legal-beagles to bedevil Injah over Heatler's Cross/Pille's Glass Eye fast-foodery fiasco

Hubbub-sparking "Heatler's Cross"(!) restaurant in Injah, "da Urth"--bad taste surrounds for food that tastes bad

Inept publicly-pressured revamp from ill-conceived maniac tribute (witness above), to badly executed and opposingly dunderheaded salute to cherished Erden citizen (consign eyes downward and wince), sparks idle threats of suicide-complainings and random car-rockings directed toward rat-bottomed "nation" of rag-loined, culturally insensitive, dung burning inconvenience store owners and snake-charmers. At worst, there'll be a harshly-worded letter in the Portville Trumpeter-Doubloon tomorrow morn and we just might start up a Gandhi-dog franchise as revanche! Sez one random bemused ordinary shopper at the Pongo Vall-Malla shopperterrarium: "To engage in this (giggle) insult to our beliefs and culture, Injah must be the (giggle) worst nation on da Urth! Death to Injah! (convulsive laughter)" Most strollers we interviewed felt the overall aesthetic of either design was simply downright amateurish: "It looks like what my ten-year-old summons up with DaguerreoShop when trapped indoors on a rain-soaked afternoon." Comments the Professor: "Absurdum maximus! My third fleshly surveyor-of-all is scarcely a fused silicate dime-store knick-knack!"

This eyewash is no solution--unforgivably offensive replacement is still a restaurant serving up crappy Injah food, bad punctuation, and cow-dung "smoothies"