Moving Picture Histofactoid--Godzfatha (1954)

An Enraged and Radioactive Marlo Nobrand Destroys Stellatokio Spaceport in Godzfatha Part I
Awakened after millions of years of sleep by the accidental detonation of an anti-Kraken sunbomb near an uncharted Polykneesianal Nautical Abyss island, the criminally-organized organism, Godzfatha, attacks the helpless Nipponinc spaceport of Stellatokio after its citizens refuse to pay protection Yen. The monster, played by three-time Omphalah-Award winner Marlo Nobrand, meets his first of many ends (Godzfatha XXII--Godzfatha vs The Corporealate Sponges in 2003 being the most recent) when the equally gigantic Samurai-Choreographer-National District Attorney, Los Balanchine (Toshiro Mufune), arrests the murderous non-Asian beast for tax evasion and slaps restraining orders on the Creatrix (Katherine Hepburn in her last role) for her "irresponsible intelligent design." The sequel, Godzfatha II--Revenge of Sonzilla (1956), directed by Howard Hawks and set entirely in the frozen and spooky Norge-pole gambling city of Santarialand, received even more critical and public acclaim than its predecessor.
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