Professor Pille's Planetary Panopticon
Currently under advisement and endless reconstruction. Perhaps confusing yet amusing. A highly vulnerable manifestation of the internationally-regarded Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries and its founder, the venerable Professor Antonio Pille. Dedicated with warmest regards to the varied ghosts of Aristophanes, Rabelais, Swift, Sterne, Jarry, Mencken, Baron Munchhausen, and the gentle and honorable Robert Benchley.
About Me
- Name: Prof. Antonio Pille
- Location: Portville, Narragansett National District
Monday, February 27, 2006
Protests on "da Urth" sparked by Professor's doodle-pad
Professor Pille unapologetic over absent-minded scrawl on phone pad depicting major "Urther" religious prophet wearing a pink and tasty farmyard critter on head like chapeau, with legend Morris "Mo" Ham-Head. Sez the Professor: "Ofttimes I have found this my-self encumbered with the obligation to disentangle aboriginals from their vicarious hoodoos and brainworms; merely provide these waifs with pocket coinage, festive helium-lofted balloons shaped as a sponge-gentleman, and comfortable conveyance to the "mall" and their dis-insouciance shall froth lightly, and--Wotan be guided--wander skyward like dew before the blazing solar oelyptus! Once, in years past, I forestalled a near-cataclysm of civic turmoil in the mountain strongholds of Tinkanistan--nay, was nearly worshipped as a deity--with a fistful of "sparklers" and a surplus trampoline. In the "Urther" land of Merka one can mesmerize entire populaces with the mere swtching on of an optical wireless device!
Institute Creates Stealth Craft for Imperial Air Force

Pille candidacy endorsed by Taft
Professor throwing rings into a hat for 2008 election
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Now let's everybody just stop for a second and take a nice deep breath
Peeps from "der Peeper": Cartoon deniers speak out!
Monday, February 20, 2006
Denial denier denies denial
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Fast breaking news!

A Marshmallow Peep from "der Peeper"--Vikings say F**k-it!
Patty Pille on the Big Screen!
Friday, February 17, 2006
The Real Joker behind Professor Pille's Planetary Panopticon

- The whimsical and thought-provoking Professor Pille's Planetary Panopticon was originally the brainchild--way back in 1959--of a shy and seemingly unremarkable University of Wisconsin journalism student from Green Bay named Dave Osterman. Osterman--an underclassman that year, and something of a science fiction/horror "nerd" (H.P. Lovecraft being a particular favorite)--thought it would be entertaining to create a newsletter for a fictitious and somewhat oddball research institute (initially called Professor Pille's College of Occult Arts) situated in a nearby parallel dimensional world--vaguely similar to our own--called Erde. Osterman's plan was to limit the "publications" of this fantasy institute to supernatural and paranormal topics. After two amateurish editions, he changed the name of the establishment to the Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries when, as he later admitted, it became apparent that the topics his "paper" explored ranged well beyond ghosts, psychics, and flying saucers. The Mt. Palomine Institute newsletter itself was called the Planetary Panopticon (eventually Professor Pille's Planetary Panopticon) and at roughly the same time as this change in the direction of his newsletter took place, he effected another more significant and probably related one with his studies-switching his major from journalism to political science with a minor in sociology. Osterman printed the first "editions" of the Planetary Panopticon with a toy printing set he'd received as a Christmas gift in his early teens, and distributed them free of charge at the school cafeteria while dressed up as a turn-of-the-century Chicago newsboy.
- The infrequently published humor/satire one-sheet became so popular with students and faculty at the University of Wisconsin that its creator was eventually asked by the editor of The Badger--the school newspaper--to be a regular contributor, enabling Osterman to focus his energies on his rapidly mounting workload. The first Badger posting, by "Professor Pille," the "head" of the Mt. Palomine Institute, appeared, appropriately, in the April 1, 1960 edition. Osterman used his school-wide "bully pulpit" as a platform for wacky humor and fantasy but also as a way to have some fun with the current events that were of increasing interest to him. A survey of contributions from those years reveals topical concerns as far-ranging as the missile-gap, hula-hoops, sputnik, tail-fins, Eisenhower's secret treaty with the E.T.s, the "Ugly American," fluoridation, and the tempest-in teapot controversy over the Chinese islands of Quemoy and Matsu.
- Dave Osterman graduated with a B.A. in 1962 but remained at the University of Wisconsin as a graduate student, occasionally offering new Postings from the Institute-- when workload permitted--until he received his PhD. in Political Science in 1965. Dr. Osterman declined a tenured teaching position at the school, and instead accepted a job with the Central Intelligence Agency where he joined a highly classified CIA extraterrestrial and ancient technologies working group. He retired from his position as CIA Assistant Director of Special Projects in 1999 and now lives in the seaside community of Portville, in the Narragansett National District, where he tends a garden and writes a popular series of children's books about a mythical land called "Da Middle Urth."
- In an interview published in The Badger in 1966, Dr. Osterman admitted that many of the characters he had created in his Panopticon stories were based directly on eccentric family members, teachers, and various friends. The "Public Assuagement Director," Anatole Zliplitt, was, according to Dr. Osterman, a near perfect recreation of a crotchety-yet-lovable German great uncle from Milwaukee; Dave Dimp was a caricature of a well-liked "goofball" cousin who lived in Tennessee and whose childhood nickname was Dimples. Many of the Teutonic and Nordic references scattered throughout the Pille Universe were simply nods to his family's mixed German/Norwegian heritage. However, Professor Pille, Dr. Osterman explained, "just appeared" to him one day while he was tinkering with an electrical contraption of his own design at his family home in Green Bay--electronics and optics having been hobbies of his when he was a teenager.
- In 1967, the rights to the Professor Pille concepts and characters were purchased from their creator by Hammer Pictures in Great Britain and in 1969 the film, The Perils of Professor Pille, staring Peter Cushing and Anthony Quayle, was released to good reviews. This was to be the beginning of a succession of offbeat Professor Pille films first produced by Hammer and then picked up and continued by Universal when that British horrror and adventure film company collapsed in the 1970s. The series includes Revenge of Professor Pille, Song of Professor Pille, Professor Pille Goes Home, Daughter of Professor Pille (with Uma Thurman as Patty Pille), Return of Professor Pille, and Pille Happy. Aside from Quayle, the Professor role has been played by, among others, Raymond Burr, Sir Ralph Richardson, Jeremy Irons, Sean Connery, and Leonard Nimoy (in a made-for-TV adaptation).
- A well-disguised Jim Carey took on the role in the 2004 release Pille X--the twelfth and most recent in the series (although the confusing title caused many to think it was the tenth film), and the first to feature the Professor's daughter Patty (Saffron Burrows) as the story's lead character. In this CGI-packed, action/adventure film, Erden Imperial Intelligence Service operative Patty Pille (agent Double-Oh-Boy!) battles the evil "Urther" Pez-head-ent Billery Quentin (played by an icy and in-drag Alice Krige replete with Chaplin-esque moustache) and her nail-spitting homicidal assistant Condie Leashlaw (Samantha Mumba) when the Merken Schwarz-technikers develop a massive version of "Der Peeper," called a Fargate. After cunningly drugging Erde's protector, Wotan, the "Urther" villains, under the direction of a mysterious Überlord, attempt to use the trans-dimensional portal to invade peaceful Erde and place the entire planet under the "tough-love" iron rule of the brutal and matriarchal Merkans.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Where have we been and who cares anyway?
- The entire "Urther" prophet-as-horrorist-Peanuts-character farce left us drained of all energy, good will, and goodly humor. There's been heated discussion in the Institute cafeteria regarding the pluses and minuses of unplugging the trans-dimensional "Peeper" device that enables us to visually scour our appalling Echo World dubbed "da Urth," and restoring its complex components respectively to the 4th floor washroom and Dave Dimp's portable Nipponinc-manufactured wireless (tuned perennially to "E-Z listening Newz" when not locked bull-dog-like upon his favored Sprechstimme symphonic doo-wop). This allowing us to continue on with our cheerful and much saner-seeming Erden lives.
- Recent news that the "Urther" Assistant Pez-head-ent assaulted an elderly necropolis director with a blunderbuss because the funereal presence was "grousing" about something in the Bush, has added to our overall disillusionment. We know that this Cheese-knees fellow does not permit criticism, but his projectiled mayhem is excessive, even by psychotic "Urther" social-interactive principles. Certainly one of his aides--a youthful Red-Stater perhaps with keener eyesight, steadier aim, and more overwrought firearm, a bazooka perhaps (as is possible on that world of homicidal maniac mechanics)--could have performed the task more "cleanly" (as one might euphemize like an "Urther"). Rather, a wounded and maddened bull funeral director with 12-point rack now ranges across the gutted landscape of Merka seeking vengeance, and the populace are angered that they weren't immediately alerted to the danger, enabling them to seal their homes and recall their zombie progeny from various glowing screens.
- As if mere cartoons were not ample to stir up nests of hornets, daguerreotypes of yet more Houdini-esque inflictions upon Muggalumpers, Mothespians, and Bush-babies by the Merkans are encirculating that tainted globe; one would almost suspect that airspace enlivened with shouting and wildly gesticulating stinging insects was the desired and planned-for result. That, or newspaper circulation in overheated regions soars when insults are offered aside the market coupons offering praiseworthy price reductions on fragmentary carpetry, Russlander weaponry, and steamed turbanes. Notwithstanding, the stratagem of the increasingly hyper-distended Merken government would appear to be the expensive conquest of worthless tracts of land and the escape-artist and endurance testing of the excitable sorts within the enslaved citizenry, perhaps with the eventual hope of creating either a durable master-race or a host of fresh contestants for competitive reality-based Optical Wireless programmings. Imperial francs are being placed on the barrel heads during Institute cafeteria imbroglios to the gambling effect that while "da Urth" is generally a sad and childish place (about age 5, overall), the Merkans, once a semi-noble tabula rasa-ed "Great Wiped Hope," have devolved to the comic-tragic level where they no longer even grasp why they venture onto Distant Quests and Crusades. Most of their activities these last befuddled years--from those of the lowliest Blue-Stater banning language and constructing un-poetic differently-unabled euphemisms, to the lofting-worthy (as from a cannon) Red-Stater insisting on the enforced promulgating of the Kindergarten faerie-telling that the Multiverse was conjured up as if by bearded flour-sack-garbed dime-store magician (when, in fact, the job was parceled out, contract-wise, to a bevy of incompetent Creatrix ditzes--witness our current Erden lawsuits!)--may be analogous to the random out-thrashings of a night-mared sleeper, or the continued growth of hair and such other unspeakable vilenesses on long-buried corpses.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Director Zliplitt to the rescue
Friday, February 03, 2006
Bloche Block has no museum but the other guy do unofficially
A strange salute to a "da Urther" figure found noble and honorable (f0r a change) by the usually appalled citizenry of Erde, this airship of corporate brick (steely irony intended) lay sleeping in a cardboard box awaiting re installation into a bizarre-yet-didactic Feetball diorama that was concept-ed (to use a dopey "Urther" jargonism) by the psyops design team here at the Mt. Palomine Institute. A click hereabouts will vent you to the location of this wonder, a museum in Oh-hi-uh, in Merka, on "da Urth." Proceed there for added brickery and other Institute creations, including a terpsichorean crockagator dressed as Pharoah:
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
New Feature: Our One-Eyed, Uninformed, Purple-Prose, People Peeper on the Echo-World Tarmac with Paranoid Reports from "da Urth"
- Proof positives that there was a conspiratorial plot (of land) behind the Bumpkinville 7-eleven attack involving gas station magnates, the Bumpkinville FD, and high level figures on the mysterious Zoning Board; security cameras show the entranceway collapsing (or perhaps it was just a customer opening the door) before being struck by the runaway AMC Matador, plus there are seven letters in Matador and eleven in AMC Matador if you count the space.
- How "da Urth" is controlled by the McMasons and the Illumi-naughty (with the Munchkinlodgers and New World Odorists acting as intermediaries) and the precise location of the super-secret polar "gas pedal" and "steering wheel"
- Cy "Pops" Ops--seemingly confused drive-by theater "black" project-ionist, mis-directionist, and pops "corn" server who speaks in riddles and somehow always forgets to give you your change, your butter, or the right directions home
- The story behind the assassination of Kay F. Jay, a dark day in the Texican bowling town of Dulles--all evidence points to complicity of Vice-President Jackie O'Ruby as 365 bored and lonely gunmen loaded with shots of tequila and blank looks jostled for positions between the Gassy Gnome (a diner), the Under-past, and the Dulles Bookworm Suppository in a scene that looked like the Rebel line at Gettysburg--hometown of a very complex military anti-industrialist; the limousine suddenly lurched forward but the seasick President's lunch blows backwards (limo forward, lunch backward--again, limo forward, lunch backward); and the big clue everyone missed?--how hired-gun filmmaker Cecil B. Dapruder took the fatal shot seen 'round "da Urth." It's a riddle, wrapped in caramel, dipped in Pennsylvania Dutch chocolate, and sprinkled with lots and lots of nuts.
- The truth about Femtrails, the New World Odorists, and the use of pheromones and ozone-depleting feminine hygiene sprays to manipulate "da Urth's" population
- At last, the story of the lost world of Flatlantis, a sandy, geographically featureless island-nation that averaged only two-inches above sea level and disappeared forever when an overenthusiastic Flatlantian passed wind. [EDITOR: There was no way we were stooping to Flatulantis]
- Much much much much more