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Professor Pille's Planetary Panopticon

Currently under advisement and endless reconstruction. Perhaps confusing yet amusing. A highly vulnerable manifestation of the internationally-regarded Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries and its founder, the venerable Professor Antonio Pille. Dedicated with warmest regards to the varied ghosts of Aristophanes, Rabelais, Swift, Sterne, Jarry, Mencken, Baron Munchhausen, and the gentle and honorable Robert Benchley.

My Photo
Location: Portville, Narragansett National District

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Director Zliplitt responds to cussing accusations

Herr Doktor Anatole Zliplitt, Mt Palomine Institute of Mysteries Director of Public Assuagement
Found pinned to my nightshirt upon awakening this morning was a scarcely legible note from a "reader" dwelling on (and no doubt feeding off, leech-like) "da Urth," complaining (as any communication from an "Urther" not drenched in whine is, I'm informed, a physical impossibility) at our self-imposed expressive straitjacket here within the Panopticon in regards to the use of the saltier and more pungently descriptive words drifting about in the foggy lexical aether. The gist of the scrawled subhuman rant was that as "adults" we should engage in "adult language" as most of the bordering blogs revel in it, and it is (to paraphrase so thoroughly as to rewrite completely) a truer means of expression, revealing boldly and bluntly our clear-set emotions and feelings unrestrained by hypocrisy, euphemism, and ambiguity. In response we will strenuously state our case that the infant-like play of continuous verbal excrement that has hobbled "artistic" expression in your Welt since the Hippoids ran amok and besmirched every available clean and tidy surface, is the shame of your race. Obscenity, rather than freeing and encouraging imagination in its varied voicings, has devolved most sublime sentiments into a finite collection of animal grunts and moans, akin to those used by the earliest primate hunters in signalling each other through the thickened brush. Our choice of well-scrubbed lingo at the Institute and here in the Panopticon--be warned--is not dictated by prudishness or self-censorship (Our truest nature, though gentle as lambs most times, would, when truly riled by Erden forms of righteousness, frighten the bejeebers of you), rather it is a continuous and invigorating challenge to create, with words-as-bricks, linguistic structures of genuine novelty and merit, not mere assemblages of dualistic commentary based upon the lesser biological functions. Further, an evisceration, such as this one you now observe, is far more enjoyable and informative for the intelligent than the curt and obscene bark or growl. Similar sentiments envelope the issues of undue sauciness, autobiographical exhibitionism, melodrama, and all violence--the cheapest and cheapest ways to stuff-up pages and screens.
[EDITOR: One of the many pecuriousities of "da Urth" is that a "group" or "movement" that damned the use of euphemism and cussed like demons decades ago during the "Hippoid"-infested High Nixonics years, eventually gave birth to devil-children who became Censors Prime, Grand Inquisitors, and fastidious "differently-abled" euphemism-fabricators de-luxe to a later Politically Corrector epoch. Now the jargon of "da Urth," damaged several times by the endlessly confused short-range fumblings of the Leftward leaning, is largely an appalling mix of promiscuous potty-talk and nerve-wracking pussyfooting on thin-ice in regards to social, racial, cultural, and gender issues! Small wonder little real hard-boiled communication takes place about the essentials of social and cultural life--one may project ones emotions in the most obscene way but one often can't be truthful about the sources of those emotions (unless they emanate from an authorized and approved "demonized" group--Red Staters, white males, etc.) . Worse, this same hobbled and neurotic group has felt obliged (via the guilt express) to permit others to freely state what's on their vicious minds, no matter how hateful, racist, or sexist, for fear of sounding hateful, racist, or sexist by bluntly critiquing these very nincompoops who need serious "critiquing." Feeling double-bound? Another helping of anti-depressants, anyone?]
[EDITOR PS: I'll add--again--that the Panopticon, by pointing out hypocrisy and idiocy in one "Urther" group of mutton-heads is in no way endorsing their opposites and enemies. Our benevolent deity Wotan"--over games of bridge and with a few under his leather buckler--has often expressed a well-shared-among-Erdens desire to spank both Red and Blue-bottoms and fire off more than a few thunderbolts at any and all "Urther" religious-zealot zones, to put the "fear of Wotan" in them]


Merkan mediums go mad with tub-thumping Kana-paranoia
That's a Red maple leaf on his RCMP helmet, by the by--Red as in Red Menace

Nipponinc--the place on Erde where none of the usual rules apply

[EDITOR: Institute cryptographers have worked round the clock now for several days trying to make any sense of the above posted advertisement. It's not from any museum we know of in that surreal nation, and the word ZOOWAANAGANAGAI! (again, meaning totally unclear) is frequently chanted by Nipponinkers at feetball games when their side is losing (when their side does lose they set off fireworks and party all night, to the bewilderment of the winning team). Many centuries ago a Nipponinc message to a foreign ambassador--consisting of a skillfully executed watercolor of demons forming the ideogram for the word umbrella and a magnificently carved and joined wooden box containing a polished lump of coal--turned out to be a positive response to a pending trade negotiation proposal. Nipponinc delights the Erden world with its endless and colorful weirdness]

Monday, January 30, 2006

Katalógusban Védett oldal Az oldal nem található!

[EDITOR: Do forgive us but Febbiwary is Mt. Palomine Institute fund drive month and since we haven't received any donations from our readers yet, we're reduced to selling advertising space to, well, obviously anybody with cash. The above hoarding for, believe it or not, a Romagyarian brand of canned peaches (EIB Brand Happy Organs Fruit Varieties) is just the beginning. It'll get worse. Maybe this is better than popups? Romagyaria, by the by, is an interesting place--quaint and curious home of the E-gypsians, vumpires, and goulashes (a sort of food/fuel shoe)--and we'll tell more about it later so stay tuned]

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Uno Peepo: Interesante oír el último movimiento!

Optimista y vencedor hasta el piñata momento profundidad
[EDITOR: Parents shield your children's eyes--another repulsive view of life on "Da Urth"-- the unfortunate whatever-it-is (possibly a tarred and feathered non-conformist who may have uttered a forbidden "incorrect" word, worn an "inappropriate" neck-decoration at a corporealate meeting, or "flushed" a sacred book of mumbo-jumbo down a water-closet fixture so it could rejoin its peers) has been brutally lynched; the swinging blue-hued corpse is depicted here being attacked by an enraged and blindfolded (so as not to defile himself by seeing the infidel?) munchkin wielding a shillelagh. The significance of the miniature volcanoes is unclear although ritual and human sacrifice are surely hinted at; the nonchalant attitude in the presence of horror of the "da Urther" in the far background is typical of primitives]

Friday, January 27, 2006

Another Marshmallow Peep: Kanadia-Merka Tensions Rise!

Merkan Stealth Bomber on Border Patrol near Kaybecky dogged by Kanadan Pursuit Craft
Merka on alert as Kanadans rush to complete four heavily armed ice-slicer naval vessels and possibly yet other Weapons of Ice Destruction. Balance of power at hub of world threatened. If you think we jest, go eyeball your own news. Kanadans may be seeking control over portal-way to hollow "da Urth" (that "da Urthers" seem largely unaware of) promising reduced travel time from Hudson Bay to Tierra del Fuego, major blubber and snow-cone shipping route.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Katzenjammer out of Bag!

At Play (invertebrate studies)

At Work (tapping phones)

Director of the Imperial Intelligence, Frau Doktor Anna Smelder-Blorgstrum

The ruse was uncovered by an eagle-eyed reader who will be receiving an autographed poster of "Patty Pille" and a lifetime prescription to the popular men's newsletter, The Viagran.

Marshmallow Peeps from "Der Peeper"--"Urther" Kanadans threaten Strife with Merkans!

Ice-Slicing Dreadnought HKM Lord Beavercleaver nears completion and doomsday clock is a-ticking
Global Warping may open up a new wrinkle in what once once the long sought-after Norge Pole Passway between Kanadia and the frozened gambling wastes of Santarialand (on Erde, that is), one allowing cargo vessels, but not kraken, to slip over the top of "da Urth" like greased icicles on a sled-ramp (yet perhaps differently on "da Urth" as they have few kraken). Kanadia makes claims to the new topology and is preparing to defend their case with naval tonnage, but Merka insists otherwise. Sabers are rattling; the largest undefended border on that world cowers. Tortellini--Kanadan capital--orders nightly blackouts to discourage stealthy "shockingly odd" attacks by invisible schwarz-wraiths and kopfs--the favored Merkan tactic. Concerns are the Merkans, agitated by the threat of regional WIDs (Weapons of Ice Destruction) may fire up their Zambonis (APZs) and strike before the Lord Beavercleaver sets sail, invertedly repeating their earlier preemptive inaction at Pearl Arbor (Michigan National District). More later from this haven for nonsense.

Panopticon strikes brick wall in nylons

All we ever needed to do, wasn't it?
As if to confirm everything we ever suspected and secretly knew with icy precision, this single photo of our Patty Pille has garnered more comment than anything written or posted anywhere else on Professor Pille's Planetary Panopticon. Large-ish poster versions are now available at the Institute gift shop and online at www.shopattypille.com. It must be noted that "Patty Pille" is merely her bogus modeling name, the bimbo routine only a humorous and (if you knew her as we do) wildly ironic act, and the young lady is in fact a Doktorate holder and a major intellectual asset at the Institute and elsewhere (She's also one of our better-regarded contributers and is pictured in the Panopticon in street clothing, sans wig--a hint, her greatest asset is Intelligence). That she is a brain-numbing goddess when in "High Feminine" mode is merely one of the confusions provided us by the Creatrix when she placed monkey brains in deity bodies (not the other way around as many on "da Urth" erroneously believe). Mercifully, in jeans and sweater togs, Fraulein Doktor "Patty"--a "Nerdischin" of the topmost rank--is splendidly uneventful, excellent company, and an engaging conversationalist. However, in demoness attire she frequently evokes the fevered plea-- Take me now, Walküre!

Love Letter in Lost Language

Aztekian Temple on Trans-Iberian Peninsula

We received the following message, apparently a favorable one, from an "Urther" who works with the extinct Trans-Iberian Espresso language not spoken in Trans-Iberian Xprussia since the Aztekian conquest of that peninsula, and most of the west coast of Afrique, in 1066-1087 AP. Naturally this is a bit embarrassing and to be expected now and then given the somewhat differing paths Erde and its Echo World "da Urth" took. Text is reprinted below. [EDITOR: As best as we can make out, this missive is just one of the too many drooling effusions we've received from men and women on both worlds since posting Patty Pille's college graduation photo. We hope someday to find a "Rosetta Stone" that would enable us to freely translate back and forth between Aztekian and Trans-Iberian Espresso but unfortunately (as we all know) the Aztekians were rather meticulous in their raging destruction of all evidence of "satanic" Trans-Iberian culture. Following the Xprussian Zurückeroberung (reconquest) in 1115 AP, little sign of the earlier inhabitants was found in that demolished land beyond the odd set of castanets and a flattened piñata that had somehow escaped the attentions of the Aztekian Destoradores (one of the few Trans-Iberian words remaining in use). For reasons unclear to Erden historians, the Aztekian terror simply and suddenly stopped around 1185 AP and the Aztekians settled down to peaceful lives of farming, fishing, and ritual cinematic sacrifices (see earlier post)]

El último periodo de la vida del gran maestro Professora Pillá su música como que está compuesta con una profundidad más allá de lo terrenal, es música no para los oídos sino para el alma trascendente. Es interesante oír el último movimiento de éste cuarteto, las últimas notas de nuestro querido. Cómo es tan optimista y vencedor hasta el momento final de su vida terrenal, Qué lección para la humanidad! Viva! Viva Professora Pillá y extraordinario Patty Pillá! Trascendente! ]

From Volcanotown to Portville--Breaking News!

The Winner!
Just in from our teletype machine--the City of Portville has been chosen to host the 2008-10 World's Fair. Other host cities considered included Ping-Pong, Schwizzlestik, Street Pairee, and The Floating Capital. More later.

Histofactoid: The Longest Day or So, 1944 AP

Overheated squids cooled by blasts of cannon fire
Rains of kraken meat dampen holiday spirits

See Kanadia on the Kanadan Abyssal Railway!

Across the Mighty Prozac Mountains
from Fort Porridge to Hootish Van Hooter in three days!
High speed windliner--The Jet Beaver--races over a turbulent mountain stream after the long descent down the western slopes of the Prozacs (seen in the distance). The Kanadan Abyssal Railway (or KAR) was created in 1884 AP by the Kanadan government as a link between the capital city of Tortellini and the then new port city of Hootish Van Hooter located on the Polynesial Abyssal Coast. In 1968 AP the Kanadan Abyssal purchased the Portville, Pongo, and Mt. Palomine Railway, which largely served the citizens and manufactories of the Narragansett, Mohawk, and Penobscot National Districts, and also connected with the Mt. Palomine Institute which boasts its very own station and goods shed. Each summer, holiday-goers from across the Empire travel on the famed KAR vaseline-powered Seashore Pongolian to Pongo Beachhead, very near the Institute, for licensed kraken-cannoning, fun in the sun, and plenty of relaxation! (advertisement)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Patty Pille's Perky Panopti-con?

The sort of Internal Struggle that unseated Khrushchev
Readers of any periodical are seldom aware of the internal strife that sometimes bedevils their seemingly stable favorites. TV Guide, some years back, experienced a major revolt and upheaval, and the Saturday Evening Post and Liberty both went down in raging battles with considerable loss of Life. Professor Pille's Planetary Panopticon is currently at the crossroads of the River Rubicon and the Muddy Mississippi, stuck between Scylla and Charybdis and Iraq, located betwixt a nervous pooch, a frightened cat, and a recently repainted hydrant. More blather, silliness, and obfuscation? Or do we cut-to-the-chase and become:
  • A saucy adult-only site? (Patty Pille's Perky Panopti-con)
  • A rant-room for predictable political positions? (The Pille Report)
  • A flying saucer, pyramid, and conspiracy theory black-hole? (Professor Pille's Planet of Weird Mystery)
  • A common ordinary household blog? (you know, any bleak pun)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Our Circulation is Up!

Patty Pille phones in a pair of Big Stories!
  • Poo on the Prez--he's no darn fun!
  • Bring our fightin' boys home 'cause I'm lonely!
  • A feminist once told me I slept with the enemy, but I've never even been to North Korea!
  • What's a paragraph and do they come in pink?
  • I may be a redhead but I'm no Red Stater!
  • How about even bigger pictures of me... and smaller print?

[Editor: Strange, but this seems to be working. Since Patty started posing we've had a 75% increase in hits, and since she started spouting all lefty we've gotten mention in a few national magazines]

Danger--Test Marketing Ahead

New hipper look for the Prof?
  • The Panopti-con will be trying on some new "outfits" over the next few weeks!
  • Bigger pictures! Fewer words! More side-bars, bullets, and pun-riddled article headings!
  • All future science and technology postings will be exclusively about Cell Phones
  • Common text will be in Institute developed and patented Budget E-Z Read brand monosyllabic buzz-jargon
  • Political text will be written in either "Old Spiced" patriarchal Right-Crank, or dithering matriarchal Left-Whine patented Full Strength E-Z Read languages depending upon the edition
  • Readers are encouraged to respond with their likes and dislikes!
  • Write to the Panopti-con and you'll be eligible for our Panopti-contest--you could win a one-week all expense paid vacation for two to lovely Pongo Beachhead
  • Other prizes include a new 2006 Pillemaster Flamestork eight-wheel-drive Futility Vehicle (with rotary feedbags and 75" plasma screen), and lifetime prescriptions to VT Guide and The Viagran.

Our not-so-dainty deity and his daily dirty duties

Contract renewed and both "Trade" and "Mark" combined as the Holy Duality with mystery "Ghost" in third place. Relax kiddies, that eye atop the pyramid is Wotan's!
We're told that Kristaluthians, Baalists, Bykists, and other dreary religious low-lifes have been scandalized by the "deal" worked out between the sensible residents of our beloved Erde and their chosen "god" Wotan. More news about religion on the grand and glorious Echo World of "da Urth's" later.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Our Mentor is Kanadan!

I searched everywhere
(From the Director of the Imperial Intelligence, Frau Doktor Anna Smelder-Blorgstrum) Tasked with finding the ideal Interknit/blogstarianism that combined impact with brevity we have uncovered a Kanadan item that is a textbook model of terse single statements, yet one so bulging with self-importance that it apparently shifted a major election within a major world power via dead animals. We have found it to be addressed Interknit-wise as http://www.smalldeadanimals.com/ and it has won awards and accolades from the finest tautological-sycophantic Interknitteries. The Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries will scrutinize this reductionist tack--quick sleek sentences and solemn pronouncements, maybe a professionally composed photo of a smug-seeming (angst-ridden being another approved demeanor, or just plain stern) Professor Pille wearing a sweater and slacks standing by a corner office window or near a food processor filled with anxious mice (fear not, it will be unplugged!). Trendiness is at hand! Halleluah! At last we can start saying things by not saying much of anything but really well!
[EDITOR: The drive toward simplicity of expression (not to make the movement sound dignified) hopefully will result in complete silence broken by a scream or whimper now and then. A curious aspect of language, art, and music, is that sometimes complexity begats depth, needed imprecision, irony, subtlety, sublimity, nuance, interrelationships and contradiction. Talk to Bach or Shakespeare. Once all artfulness and communication take on the style and grace of advertising copy and PR spew, something interesting will be lost in the world and our thoughts shall be as a string of stirring slogans which shall suit the masters fine]

Public Image in Public Domain

The Sum of a Civilization in a Single Image owned by Everyman
(Memo to all production staff--Professor Pille's Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries blog site--meeting notes January 10, 2006)
  • New Posting Policy--K.I.S.S. and keep each posting brief and "bite"-sized
  • Synergize staff
  • Ramping to Pille 2006 image: refer to detailed notes from last December's meeting
  • Movie and cable tie-ins (People, don't forget we get paid for each of these!)
  • Topical humor--need more Bush-bashing and Wal-Mart articles for Blue-State edition
  • Look into Onion--postings on the fat lazy guy eating crisps while playing video games work well for them! "Literate"=health club image--our market!
  • Look into Mother Jones--sardonic and/or heart-rending cartoons on cover about nuclear energy, globalism, illegal immigration, and/or AIDS (someone check figures on AIDS in relationship to sales)
  • No more Africa stories--BIG DOWNER
  • Feminism D.O.A.--impossible combination of "principles" and careerism; only useful as careerist leverage (Janet: "Swimsuits and lawsuits--Cosmo meets Ms.--carrot and stick")
  • Need list of Right-leaning buzz topics
  • Harry Potter and NASCAR bandwagons--must be some way to hook in?
  • Look into Rolling Stone--front page nudity boosts sales 32%! The Women of the Mt. Palomine Institute issue?
  • Dynamic, we want dynamic!
  • Color!
  • Buzz words!
  • Racially vague models (think Vin Diesel or Condolezza Rice) and how can we work in Australian aboriginal and Eskimo markets (Phil in accounting suggested opera star Kiri Te Kanawa as cross-cultural model). Will Eskimos appeal to Hispanics? Will Aborigines buy from Aztecs?
  • More lanyards!
  • Break it all down into simple digestible bits--the way people are fed at nursing homes
  • Branding!
  • Ads and co-marketing
  • Next meeting--need advertising report for Reason magazine--Libertarians/individualists as niche market--what sort of stuffed toys do Libertarians buy? Has anyone found any Ayn Rand dolls or marketing gimmicks yet? Screen-savers? How about Harry Potter-style movies based on life of Ayn Rand?
  • Herr Doktor Antwerp's point (I want this printed up, framed, and on everyone's office wall): When writing for the so-called "educated" write "smart" but write DOWN (Janet: "wine tastes with beer brains")
  • Also Dr. Antwerp's point about higher education=branding
  • Has anyone come up with a way we can attach Harvard or Smith to someone without the absurd and unneeded four (!) years game? (That's four years loss of potential income and increased purchasing power and we certainly don't need four years to network someone any more!) Can a person be Harvard or Smith "Approved" and simply provided with an insider career-contact database? Privilege is privilege; it shouldn't have to pay additionally for the right it already possesses.

Does everyone have their copies of The Morale Myth and Business by Numbers--How the Digital Age is making us rethink "Thinking"? These are only 6 pages each with plenty of charts and sidebars so everyone should have these read by the next meeting.

Sincerely and with deep and intense love and affection for each and every one of you,

Tony Pill

Back-to-back posts---my head shall rise and detonate like pie on the sun!

Daguerreotype computation engine trickery turns my head to a metaphor for madness--cry and huddle not, tis only a visual illusion!

This also--an "Urther" expert on presenting ideas and images through the Interknit has advised us that if we wish to communicate in any effective fashion with clodhoppers and the microcephalic we should limit our verbiage, de-tone our zest for complexity, and present ourselves to the masses in tiny nibbles suitable for shrews and the unlovelier jaw-less vertebrates. A meeting is being held soon to ponder, as a collective and group activity, this newly received advise.

[EDITOR: A humorous footnote--the "Urther" computing engine toolbar ABC spelling checker function, when activated and confronted with the unknown word microcephalic (above) suggested, instead, the spelling as being Microsoft. One is at a loss to explain such pungent wit and wisdom coming from a soulless computing engine!]

Floor-duh welcomed to Mt. Palomine family of friends

Certainly, my desk, as you can plainly eyeball, is a parched desert and I have little to do here as the underburdoned Director of Public Assuagement for the Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries except greet "Urthers" and write steaming hurrahs for this squalid place or that. Be assured, those piles of paper that merely mimic workload are simply confection wrappers and week-old editions of the Portville Trumpeter Doubloon that I'll be using later as mackerel wrap and construction material for sleek ships-of-the-line and winsome admiral caps. Oh yes indeed, my days are empty affairs, in fact I believe I'll spend the remainder of this afternoon (after completing six days of labor in as many minutes) performing the cakewalk and fandango atop my for-display-only work desk! Perhaps I will journey into town and attend a puppet show, having so much idle time at my disposal!

This command just reached my desk; apparently some individual from "da Urth" and specifically from the always-challenging "BeKnighted Stakes of Merka" (in the little dangly bit up at the front end called "Floor-duh") has posted a greeting hereabouts to the Professor and otherwise expressed approval of his most holy Boss's efforts. Professor Pille, being a very busy man, declined to direct effort toward a response. He brushed by my desk, drew a napkin with scribbling upon it from his vest pocket, flinged it upon the front page of the Sonderday edition of the Doubloon (obscuring, partly, a multi-color humorous cartoon involving a mega-sandwich eating numb-skull and his pert yet dipsy wife) and uttered these words: "For your attentions and by your leave, it would be a pleasantry and a wonder if you, rather than myself, were to hallucinate a beaming rejoinder to this unsolicited flattery" which in the turgid office parlance of "da Urth" amounts to take care of this for me. The Professor, his back bent and creaking with his mighty load, jogged off down the corridor (with revived enthusiasm) toward the lunchroom where roasted potatoes and narwhal steaks (and flagons of Pilsner) awaited him. To the erstwhile gentleman from "Floor-duh" I say, with employment pistol to noggin, hello and hurrah! We shall add a flagged stick pin to our map (limply hung with unenthused stickum over the stalls of the fifth floor washroom as something to eyeball while otherwise engaged) of "da Urth" denoting your place of residence, another of your "states" (a physics word that befuddles us no end) in a somnabulantly growing list. Our deepest thanks for your notice and your startling effulgence!

[EDITOR: Generally we here at the Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries just plain loathe blogs (as if you couldn't guess) but this one http://paradiso108.blogspot.com/ or This Side of Paradise emanating from Gainesville in "Floor-duh" actually caught the attention of several of the staff members and Professor Pille himself--no mean feat. Director Zliplitt hates everything which is why he was given the job he currently holds]

Armouralle gets in his moment of cheer!

Edward Armouralle--Our Happy Intern
I've arrived at that dusty skull-strewn crossroad in my internship where the entire game--from the lowliest ideal to the loftiest crusade--now appears to be wholly fabricated from low-grade baloney, bundled together with steel-like bands of nonsense, and indelicately lubricated with rancid banana oil. Maybe this is how earlier commentators got their starts, waking up to reality and defending the handful of valuables worth defending, while staving off the forces of...what? Darkness? Hardly! Evil?--such Moriarty-like stylishness eludes us. Far more like blandness or lameness--the monstrous, chugging, leveling-engine that's pitilessly churning back and forth across this astroturfed playing field the poet Dante forgot to add to his Hellish blueprints; probably because even that Latin cynic couldn't imagine anything so soul-sappingly awful. As I plot my life's voyage, I don't see laid out before me calm bays, sheltering harbors, sun-dappled seas, or oceans of clear blue rejuvenating water; I spot instead potholes full of junk and drainage, unnavigable sewage, stagnant industrial ponds topped with sickly glistening scum, oozing rivers of dreck washing down the sides of mountains of horses**t. Waiting Out There is an all-encompassing non-kulture where every square millimeter has been gridded and plotted for maximum return on investment; a landscape crushed under dying galaxies of fluorescent-lit cubicle-hives aglow with confused constellations of flickering computer screens and their attendant orbiting litter and paraphernalia--Beanie Babies, office kitsch, cute kitten calendars, aromatherapy icons, and self-lobotomized men and women desperately parroting absurd business jargon or social jargon or scholastic jargon or intellectual jargon or redneck jargon or media jargon or spiritual jargon; all playing at wisdom, worldliness, and professionalism when those concepts have become complete shams in this PR spun, over-marketed, self-aggrandizing, self-promoting, ignorant-as-hell, two-for-one circus freak-show and termite mound. Lording above, and manipulating by threat and diktat the various Rube Goldberg contraptions, are the social, political, religious, or entertainment power elites with their nauseating gold-plated kitsch, pathetic over-inflated lives, and stillborn ethics--barbarian kings and queens, unscrupulous sheiks, sleazy corporate rednecks, slimy politicos; those whose only assets are attitudes, image, and assets. It's a culture of silliness, triviality, dehumanization, and greed and even the traditionally good people have turned into grotesques: eco-ghouls, hateful peaceniks, hyperbolic-Luddites, politically correct spell-checkers, conniving Kristaluthian-politicos, creative nihilists and incompetents, and business/retailing trolls and death-grimacing demonettes and cheerleaders for the new apocalypse. It's where being a bitch or a bastard, a cocky a**hole, or a loud assertive jerk, is considered a praiseworthy thing and the alternative remaining to anyone unwilling to sensibly bolt is the role of professional whiner or toady. Ladies and gentlemen, and certainly freethinkers and humanitarians, need not apply; advocates of selfishness, oppression, and enforced ignorance please line up to the Right... or Left, it doesn't really matter anymore. Intelligent design advocates are forced to question the intelligence of the Creatrix, and evolutionists should be cheered by the more-than-ample evidence that man is not only brother to the howler monkey, but possibly now even mother, father, and midwife to a generation of chattering, easily distracted, sensation-seeking, cell-phone-and-iPod-clutching baboons. Someone once said that the only job left for intelligent people in decadent times is satire. That sounds about right to this reporter.
[EDITOR'S NOTE: Intern Armouralle was assigned to "Da Urth" desk for a brief interval after the Professor Pille debacle and exposure to that annoying parallel world seems to have, as they say, "gotten to him" also. To be fair, few of us don't have a protracted look through "Der Peeper" without experiencing headache and nausea. We bought Armouralle a big chocolate chip cookie and a colorful balloon in the shape of BingeBob (the God of Shopping) and he seems fine now. We profusely apologize for the foul language]

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Life on Erde--Part I

A slice of life in an average Erden Pumpernickel House--suburbs of Portville, Narragansett National District (Our Home District! Go, Narragansett!)
Coming Story: Institute Topo-geologist Frau Doktor Marta Stoot, her lives-companion (neo-husband) Herr Normalle "Norm" Graunsboat, their adorable children, Etna, McCorky, and Zimber, and citizen-monkey Frank (lording over it all as the head of the family will do!) will be graciously allowing readers to see what daily life is like for a typical Imperial Erden family. Join the whole (Frank) Stoot-Graunsboat clan for a roast crowdog dinner and fresh baked apple-piles (with ice milk!), then a trip to the Maul to buy snacks at the Pille Mart and rent some Epics at Bustbawler. It's Satyrday night!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Editor makes comment on "da Urth" shtick--why the Professor is under sedation

I can still see its face! Foreign non-viewers demand full coverage; local eye-witnesses ask for total disclosure!
(Just pulled from "der Peeper": another tidbit of news from "da Urth"--Professor Pille devoted a whole week to looking at these sorts of "things"!)
  • Pasty-faced, short, chubby, balding white male with whiny voice in cheap suit with pens in pocket-protector: "It's a medieval symbol, a symbol against women," he says. "We don't want women to be ashamed to show who they are. Even if you have decided yourself to do that, you should not do it in [small harmless Western nation full of wooden shoes and tulips kept anonymous to prevent murderous attacks against it's citizens for having opinions on things], because we want you to be integrated, assimilated into [that dike-heavy place's] society. If people cannot see who you are, or see one inch of your body or your face, I believe this is not the way to integrate into our society."
  • Dead serious deeply-tanned leader with dignified beard and eyes blazing with the fire of cleansing, deity-backed, righteousness, wearing fancy ethnic headgear: "It's a Western symbol, a symbol against [our people]" he says. "We don't want [members of our culture] to be un-ashamed to show who they are. Even if you have decided yourself to do that, you should not do it in [name of any nation with lots of sand] because we want to see you integrated, assimilated into [name of any nation with lots of sand] society. If people can see who you are, or see one inch of your body or your face, I believe this is not the way to integrate into our society!"
  1. The people in the harmless little Western nation having the problem with non-native garb are, in a potent sense, wrong; toleration of harmless personal Medievalisms and cultural imbecilities (and the ability--in a society that comprehends the importance and value of free speech--to freely say so in precisely as insulting and patronizing a way as one wishes) is what makes the difference between civilized societies and the knucklehead barbaric ones. That's why much of the almost-civilized "Urther" world allowed Hippoids to live, even though they smelled, made bad art, and couldn't string a sentence together competently. Note I say harmless. Very, very, important.
  2. Certain people who read, with horror, the original statement--taken from a news site--and find themselves sort-of sympathizing with the recontextualized paraphrase from a hypothetical different cultural perspective, and who fail to get a powerful sense that something may be wildly inconsistent with their own thinking, are, to be blunt, fools
  3. What if the first statement had been made not by an unimpressive Dutch-man, but by a feminist Dutch-woman? This question will be on the final.
  4. Why in hell's name would someone relocate to a society whose dress, manners, traditions, and religions are seen as hateful, Satanic, ungodly, or just simply irrelevant? How could thoughts like this trouble even the most reasonable of people? These questions will also be on the final
  5. What the hell is immigration all about anyway? Any pupil who only gives the cheap answer of cheap labor will have a full grade knocked off their final score and will have to answer to the spirits of their long-dead ancestors

Back to Blog II--Dave Dimp lashes out at aromatherapy!

I smell better but I sure don't feel better
See, now isn't this nicer just doing a everyday kind of blog instead of that confusing stuff that comes out of Professor Pille's Institute? Maybe I should get on my cell-phone and call Tony Pill--that marketing genius I know from school--and see if he'd be willing to do some more postings and then we can get pop-ups, which I love. No blog is complete without sensitive poems so here's another one. I stayed up till 2 AM (!) smoking my pipe and drinking cocoa working on it! If I could get more rhymes in there I think I could be a famous rapper! Now if I can just figure out some way to make this background darker and get some candles up here. I titled this...
Nightmare in Big Bad Old Bumbletown
My pillow explodes with a frenzy of fireworks!/Dreams of lost albatrosses crashing through my bedroom window!/ A blunderbuss concussion!/The thousand sinless angels' wings erupt from an empty alabaster husk/ Cold nickel touches my cheek, then flies to a cobwebbed corner and Jefferson giggles/My change is loose/The duckie-bedecked comforter--no comfort to me--rockets to the ceiling, scattering ribbon candy shrapnel and shattered seashells gathered by Sally at the seashore/Way too many cocoas last night!
[Editor's Note: We're letting Dave play while we take a breather and get some dinner down at the Portville Snack Shack, which, despite the name and atmosphere, is a five-star restaurant. Erden humor. Dave frequently offers rich evidence for a widely held belief here at the Institute that poetry is, in fact, the lowest form of artistic expression, along with ballet, natch. Both "art forms," curiously, are about the oldest known, predating even graffiti, which is also part of the Muse's triumvirate (or quartet--see below) of mediocrity. It may be a case where older does not always mean better, just older. Curiously, poetry, dancing, and graffiti (making a mess on a wall or canvas, peeing to mark territory, as opposed to painting, which is something else entirely) are the three primary forms of artsy self-expression on "da Urth" right now, a fact that provides additional weight to our beliefs. Oh, add in banging on logs and that about covers kultur]

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Newz Robot gets all hysterical on us!

Beep, Beep, Whirrr..."Nice Blog"
While wildly-emotional enthusings about Professor Pille's Planetary Panopticon coming from foreigners and even traditionally reserved Kanadans of Kanadia are almost a passe event at this point (40 or 50 a day and many from foreign embassies and leaders demanding autographed photos of their favorite Institute writers!), only moments ago we received an over-the-top accolade from, of all things, an "anonymous" "bot," or to be more specific a "news" ro-"bot" of some type, claiming our "blog" was "nice." An electro- mechanical greeting from what must be a beeping tin man or woman is something wholly new and unexpected for us, perhaps a thing even a bit frightening, since we can't be totally certain about his, her, or its intentions! Some weeks ago we screened (via a cheap splitter hookup through the "Der Peeper" device that we use to look at your world) some "moo-vies" (we call them Epics) popular on "da Urth," including (as best we could figure) one (or two) laugh-riot(s) about an indestructible homicidal Deutsche/Texican robot(s) named Lyndon Baines (or L. B.) Bach (?), and another thoroughly incomprehensible musical/fantasy that begins with a poorly choreographed ballet of citizen monkeys, proceeds to a waltzing wagon wheel, and concludes with a (singing!) computing engine (with pink-eye) that commandeers a seminal space-vessel and forces it to spit out Astra-nuts--as if they were tiny white raisins--into a swirling maelstrom of jello and melting lollipops! None of this was reassuring about dealings with artificial blog-fans. Perhaps "nice blog" is simply some telemetry thing, like a signal sent from a radar antennae? Or maybe it's a way of tagging the site for annihilation? Perhaps it's but one more expression of the scripted and obligatory deep warmth, humanity, and sincerity we find emanating from the general direction of "da Urth?" We are jittery. Have a nice day!

Adorable Fuzzy-Wuzzy of a Blog Anecdote!

Refers to stuff a few postings down--some effort required
Following our postings about the Former Republic of Former Russland (that included a map and some challenging comments about knowledge of geography on "da Urth") the Institute got a flour bag of mail on the subject. Most of the writers wondered where the "little hangie thingie" called "Floor-duh" was, and one reader criticized our (Our? This was just a textbook map of a section of Erde!) placement of Salt Lake City as being too far north from the border of "Mex-cow." Another--a humor-filleted graduate of snootsome Olde Schmitty College (where orthodontists and car-dealership magnates of the new class of no class conceal their virgin princesses from Cyclopes and Giants)--thought we had placed the Western [sic] shore of "da un-Knighted Stakes of Maryka" far too close to "Jaw-pan"--and, by her smug reckoning, several thousand miles too close. It's an easy error to make if one truly enjoys fresh sushi. A further resident on "da Urth" of "Boss-town" had no issues with the map at all, or with the location of "Boss-town" upon it, which is, in our world, only a few miles from St. Petersburg in your world which is not on the "little hangie thingie" in your world, but closer to Atlanta, which is and isn't in Georgia, and very near Moscow...Idaho, if you're standing on your head.

The Return of the Native Blog--Dave Dimp, our Ebullient Blogstarian, speaks out against thin crust pizza and labial piercings

Back? I never left! This is, after all, the Interknit--the one toilet no one can ever flush!

First let me tell you how wonderful it is to be back; it's been months it seems and I have so much to tell you all about the Santariamas and the New Jahr parties we all had! Debbie Doodle was there, and Andrew Puffball, Sid Sinker, and Melanie Squeezer. Mr. McCookalikrackers even turned up for a glass of 2% milk and 98% gin. I'm feeling a little out of it in this blog world so maybe I'll have to make stuff up so it can fit in better--I suppose I could say that Andrew Puffball was shooting at smacks under the ping-pong table, and Sid and Melanie played sp--n-the-b----tle. (Debbie did "whip" the "cream" for the apple pie!) I do so want to fit in! First, before all that though, let me go fix myself some cocoa and get my favorite slippers! I have only a few minutes to work on this before Star Fark comes on the Optical Wireless and then its off to bed real early because I have to get up in the morning and go to church. A quickie poem in the style of the Declining Years, I call it Existential Angst in Bumbletown and it is vaguely dedicated to a fudge-cutter named Sawmill:

Fog curls under my beets and tickles my dimples/The cell phone rings yet I ignore it/ I've never answered it/Never/Never/Not once even/My flexing rump is fickle and needs relocating/Shall I scratch this sluggish hamster named Mr. Toes?

Thursday, January 12, 2006

A Bland Note from "Ed" the Editor

Rolland "Ed" Pahjourndice, the Ever-Worried Editor
(That's pronounced Pay-jorn-dicky)
  • A few things on my mind--we have no idea how many people read this thing (blog--what an unpleasant word!) or even if any of them read Standard American English (SAE), which is what most of the postings are written in, or at least we like to think that's so. Some of the thimbleful of comments we've received have been from fairly foreign lands (!): one from a distant Spanish-ish place (Andorra?) where they probably speak Spanish, and two, surprisingly from Canada where they also speak Spanish, but with a Cathtilian lithp. Why fully 30% of our known readership is from the Giant up North is a big-assed mystery; maybe since it's Winter-in-Spades-with-Bells-On up there the inhabitants all have a lot of free time on their frostbitten hands. We hope it's because Canadians, more than most on this continent, actually understand and appreciate silliness and irony. Oddly, our most consistent and enthusiastic reader is none other than Emperor Akihito of Japan who "tunes in" at least twice a day and pesters us for "more schtuff," as he puts it. What a card! The Pope also reads us which is why you'll find German words scattered here and there, kind of a Germanico-Papal Where's Waldo? that's great fun for us. Again, since we aren't doing marketing surveys or slinging our hash/wares to focus groups or at corners or niches we have no idea what's appealing to whom or what or why or even if or what day it is. It's all a big blind jumble-bumble.
  • The postings, being malleable things, are constantly revised so if any reader encounters one that was, say, only vaguely witty or partly bizarre they may want to go back and check again as maybe now, after possibly twenty or so re-renderings by the original author, it might be absolutely knee-slappingly, rail-splittingly, amusing. The opinions posted here are intended to rile and beguile equally and we ask that no one ever be offended as it's all just good clean fun--like a bubble bath or Senate Hearing.
  • Distressingly, we find after a lengthy survey of blogs, that certain subjects or "tones" seem to get better responses from readers--Director Zliplitt mocked this phenomenon some months ago in an entertaining (at least to me) spoof. Postings of photos of kittens or mere mention of pussies seems to do the trick; one blogster we encountered wrote of "nipples" (a cat treat, or maybe just the name of a cat?) in the cynical, life-is-grit, I-chuckle-in-death-and-danger's-face, melodramatic way that seems to be very fashionable with youthful writers right now, and received a full 12 or so comments for her efforts, one pretty darned effusive. All Blog diarists mention cigarettes at one point or another, and coffee, naturally. All the younger females seem to have studied the attitude and mannerisms of the younger Lauren Bacall assiduously. That's just for starters and enders as this is a family show--the rest is just as predictable. The temptation is to produce a parody of a Common Blog, but how does one parody something that already reads like torpid farce? I think Dave Dimp (the Ebullient Blogstarian) still has an office here at the Institute; maybe I'll give him a call, and some work.
  • The Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries is a huge and labyrinthine place and honestly we still don't know how many people are employed here (or who pays the heating bill), although the best guess is somewhere between 50 and 300 based on the fact that on any given day between 50 and 300 horseless carriages are parked out in the main lot. Admittedly, some of those might just belong to visitors or locals who want to avoid the parking meters in town. Anyone at the Institute may contribute to this publication, they just have to get by Public Assuagement Director Zliplitt, which is no easy task. Once that's been accomplished, just about anything, by anybody, can turn up on these pages.
  • The Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries was established in the year 893 A.P. (meaning 893 years after the birth of the great Roman philosopher Pontius Pilate) by a distant ancestor of the current head--Professor Antonio Pille--who was coincidentally named Antonius Pillus. The Institute (pictured in an early post) is located on lovely tree-shaded grounds at the base of Mt. Palomine which is very near the port city of Portville which is, in turn, located in the Narragansett National District--one of the 93 National Disticts (or Dipsticks, if you really want to misspell it) making up what we call the Empire (which is, on the whole, not quite what you'd think).
  • The Empire is one of a goodly number of nation-states on the world we call Erde, which is roughly like a few other worlds elsewhere in the Multiverse. Other random Erden nations are Nipponinc, Brazillion Aires, The Grand Duchy of Swizzlestein, Deutschbrand, The Heldover Twin Kingsters of Al-Barnacle and El-Hootman, Saltyonion, The People's Paradises of Tic-Toc, The Former Republic of Former Russland, Gross Sowt Afrique Owt (Greater Outer Southern Afro-Mongolia), Puta Babylon, the confusingly tri-located and constantly moving Trans-Iberian Xprussia, and Injahlahlahland--where the telephones never stop ringing. Philatelists should note that each of these places puts out snazzy postage stamps.
  • Every nation on Erde, including the Empire, is silly and harmless in its own unique way and the worst things we have to put up with are Autistic-Horrorists, who simply scare us by existing, and Nautical Abysses (what you call oceans) full of ravenous Kraken or Giant Squid who thankfully never come that close to shore. Erde is also having a planetary topological problem called by geo-geometers, Global Warping, and we're worried that if it continues it may initiate a new Micro-Age. Overall, though, civility is so widespread that Erdens haven't engaged in any organized (or even disorganized) violence in nearly 1000 years. The very idea of injuring others, inconveniencing people, not offering assistance when people are bedeviled, and so on is so abhorent as to be almost (as you inaccurately express it on "da Urth") hard-wired. Our institutions reflect this happy situation; it does not in any way prevent Erdens from being silly, frivolous, or foolhardy.
  • Within the Sol-system, Erde is flanked by planets Ishtar and Thor. Ishtar, the more Sol-ward, is essentially an immense snow-globe sort of place with one civilization living topside and another (that it has no contact with whatsoever) dwelling within a vast darkened ocean beneath the mercifully thick glassy surface. The chaotic interior is frequently shaken by immense quakes; the less spoken about Ishtar the better. Thor is a sadly dead world that was once home to a civilization that we originally thought had been much like our own but which we now realize (whew!) was much more like your own.
  • On Erde we have a lot of religions and other nonsense but the omnipotent fellow who's wildly popular in the Empire is Wotan, our hand-picked deity. Flanking (yes, flanking--you figure it our) paternalistic Wotan is the equally affable and fallible (we've tried, for fifty years, to combine those two words into one but with no success!) Creatrix who didn't do such a great job of intelligently designing the world many years ago (she was new to the job, and anyway she was hired retroactively through an agency after we were created--long story) so she's nowadays engaged in some intelligent re-design--sort of a makeover.
  • Your world, "da Urth," is known to us through an inexpensive, tinny, almost toy-like device conceived and fabricated as a bad joke during lunch breaks at the Institute. Any schoolchild can make one. It enables us to view what we call parallel Echo Worlds, or versions of our own world where things went differently, or more wrongly, as the case may be. It's called "Der Peeper," it's fitted into an old shoe box, and it cost, in your money, about $1.75 in odds and ends (mostly small magnets and mirrors) to make. Strange you "Urthers" still haven't figured how to do neat technological tricks with simple magnets and mirrors.
  • That's a brief run-down on PPPP (how Professor Pille's Planetary Panopticon is listed on the Imperial Stock-Idea Exchange) with a lot of important stuff left out. If anyone out there has any suggestions as to how all this goofy brouhaha could generate some cash, post a note. If you'd like to leave a "Jolly good show, what!" or "Hear, hear!" please do so as it's a total vacuum out in virtual space... where no one can hear you squirm. Good night.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Neu Juicy is the Guarding State, we hear, but just what is it Guarding?

Miss Neu Juicy guarding her virtue with the most effective of deterrents--an accordion
All this to celebrate the simple fact that we now have two--count them--two almost-dedicated readers of the Panopticon hailing from the sacred "state" of Neu Juicy... well, make that three since one reads aloud to another (who is, we hear, an illiterate jug-band waif) in the same household. For those of Erde not familiar with this rare paradise of "da Urth," Neu Juicy is home to the kelp-covered halls of Plankton University, and its capital is Augusta, which is safely in Maine.

Breaking News...Pit Bull Pille Pulled from Bully Pulpit

Smoot vs. Shopping Cart--a controversial landmark case
  • A breathless Public Assuagement Director Zliplitt here. Determined Institute staffers, mere moments ago, threw up their hands on jimmying the lock on the oaken and iron-strapped main entrance-way to the Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries--an immense gateway that held up to barbarian incursions a millennium ago--and tossed, instead, the ornamental lawn birdbath (memorably configured like Frau Sarah Bernhardt as Salome holding a dish aloft, sadly minus the head of the religious fanatic, of course) through the north wall of the Zoology Department Aviary, releasing flocks of enraged and perpetually diarrheatic parakeets into the Institute parking lot where my new (and shining-no-longer) horseless carriage is parked. This method of entry was an option, oddly, that never occurred to the ancient barbarians, possibly because Frau Bernhardt was but a gleam in the eye of a relative 800 years or so into the future, and the Institute birdbath at that time was a 45 tonne block borrowed from Stonehenge with a bronze bedpan perched atop--the Professor at that time being no fan of winged things. I wander. At any rate, a flying wedge of staff members, headed by Frau Doktor Adrianna Zliplitt (my wife, yet only coincidentally named Zliplitt as it is a common family name in the Narragansett National District), entered the Institute (alarums blaring and tooting, perhaps tooting slightly more than blaring to a minor degree), stormed the converted coatroom now serving as "Der Peeper" Intergalactic Central (I wax ironic, as it is still called the coatroom and, although now shared, is still used as such), recovered our beloved leader from beneath a heavy wool Prince Albert and snakes-pail of interknotted scarves, and respectfully escorted the dazed and sleepless Professor Pille away from the ramshackle inter-dimensional viewing device that permits us to view the happenings on that foul place called "da Urth." He is now resting comfortably in the waiting room wing chair near the aspidistra, his right eye blackened with soot applied to the viewing vent of the device by some wit; later we hope he will take some broth and perhaps a chocolate dough-nut, then, if recovered, we expect a long evening listening to the Professor fornicate promiscuously with the lexicon. It is a tribute to his stamina, if not his good sense, that he was able to endure repeated viewings of our obnoxious Echo World over a matter of a few short days. His postings through that time represent a bad attitude unavoidable for any civilized citizen of the Empire; if anything, he was, as I wouldn't have been, far too kind and generous. Normal Institute business shall be resumed forthwith, and the handful of weeping interns who remained with the professor as a skeleton crew have been sent home to their parents to re-examine life.
  • Above is a lovely coloured daguerreotype of a legal issue that will eventually be back under surveyance within our Most High Court of the Empire. With the retirements of justices Cornpipe and Bellybub, the Imperial affairs of law had been running as slow as thick molasses down a nun's chest-plate on a cold morning (suiting the citizenry--and above all, Papists--just dandy)--that happy condition of non-function will be maintained at least until suitable replacements can be hauled from bed, or dug up, and presented shivering in their legal briefs and stockings to the Imperial Senate Star Chamber and Rotary Inquisitors. The Imperial High Court is, in fact, two separate-but-equal courts each consisting of nine players who arrange themselves on a square playing field and use the head of an appellate lawyer (merely a figure of speech!) as the game play object. The court to the right (your left, or upstage) consists of jurists who, in regarding the landmark Smoot vs. Shopping Cart case, would use any opportunity to pet the Smoot or at least tickle it under the chin. The court to the left (your right, or downwind) would use any means at its disposal to overturn the Shopping Cart. At least this is the popular perception of the goings-on. This ingenious bicameral court system was created to waylay the endless nomination games and judicial deadlocks initially generated by that unwed-mother-of-all-court-cases, Smoot vs Shopping Cart. Each session of the court opens with the national anthem (Oh Boyo! What an Empire!) and the gratuitous and now-familiar ritual of the Smoot vs. Shopping Cart vote--9 for, 9 against--something the Honorable Justices get through these busy days in about 5.5 seconds. Anything else argued before the Most High Court of the Empire is decided by coin toss.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Hush! A Quiet Aside: A Recommendation to "Urthers"

Veiled in a growing dust demon of apologies, and soon to be catapulted skyward following the addition of yokel-titillating crown, angel wings, entourage of supermodels (demonstrating virility), stretch-Hum-vehicle (power), NASCAR finery (daring-do), and rare-metal eyeglass frames and a gold tooth or two (highest classiness!)

Having eyeballed within a popular Blue-Stater periodical on "da Urth" (via "Peeper" contraption) a pathetic pontification wherein awkward rationalizings and flummery were artlessly lathered to the forced-enthusiastic hailing of the somewhat dizzy New Kidder on the Block (seen in somber state plumage above--we know he yearns for leisure-wear tips from the Grande Vizier of Lib-yeah), we humbly recommend that if Blue-Staters wish to uplift this recentest love-clown to demi-gottheit within its lifetime, they should, at very least, lend ear and cranium to the rhetorical methods and refinements of the Red-State Maestro-Apologists, who have kept aloft, atop buffeting hot praises and heaven-directed Hosannas, their own unique brand of Levitating Nincompoop for several years now. In truth, we would prefer to accept (as lesser of evil self-delusions), rather, the homely and forthright stupidity of the stupidly forthright adage: The enemy of my enemy is my friend!--this easily tattooed, T-shirt Statement of Principle traditionally enabling political naifs to radically reduce their own numbers by (and with high irony) offering their virginity to snack-seeking sharks and wolves in "People's" clothing. One outstanding puffery collided into by this darting yet humble savant maintains that the peasantry of the equatorial hinterlands by nature respond best to the flamboyant bamboozlements of hyperbolic-ally charismatic leaders, not then as much (by implication, I'll inductively assume) to the appeals of sober and undramatic personages of learning and merit. This otherwise trenchant observation struck this agog reader dumb as, by strict and self-righteous Blue-Stater standards, it would characterize a species of culturally-patronizing political incorrectitude in extremis (unless applied solely to the "Red" district dwellers, naturlich! See earlier posting). Needless to say, sun-struck hayseeds of any plumage, under the bewitchment of any Snake Oil Sales-Person, regardless how saintly (and aren't they all), do not make for a healthy and productive nation (unless one subscribes--even roughly--to the speak/see/hear-no-evil braindeadism of Cultural Equivalency which places Aztec sacrificial altars neatly aside Unitarian pews and Buddhist subtleties). Needless to say, we here on Erde sense the "demeaning" generalization should be hot-laminated onto the entire Circus Side-Show that be politics upon "da Urth." I would add too, at risk of Giving the Game Away Freely, that perhaps the reason for successes of the Red-State factions in recent years is that they've been sopping-up all the efficacious populist hoopla and trickery of the storied People's Parties while deftly side-stepping many of these grass-rooted Movements' self-destructive internal misorganizings, double-bindings, and self-deludings. Just a dainty and meager thought.

Turn off the light so I may better see the hobgoblins! (sez "Urthers")

Stomach Churning and Noggin Pounding!
Before any reader, if any (...a reader of this blog, or one who can actually read), departs these pages with warm notions and smug feelings, sensing--perhaps only vaguely--a sturdy ally in their microscopic Kindergarten crusades, be alerted that we here at the Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries, along with myself, Professor Antonio Pille De-luxe, support no claims and take no sides in "Urther" controversies, any more than an "Urther" would cheer-lead black ants over red, or visa versa. Rather, our immediate inclination--following an endless and enervating day eyeballing and jotting-down the misbehavior of your world-- is to retrieve the Pressurized Bug Bomb from the Institute potting shed and rid ourselves of Homo Formicidae for all time. However ethics and civilized leanings deny that course to us. Unquestioned, there are among the Neanderthalers of "Urth" saintly Herren and Frauen who try their utmost and stay humble, but they are overwhelmed by an avalanche of conformists, correctists, reducers, unthinking-ers, and downright buffoons, scarcely-to-mention the outright malevolent. In normal times, say the Elizabethan Epoch or several days after the Creatrix baked the first gingerbread man (and from his gingerbread rib a gingerbread woman created, as our Great--and frequently peed upon--Holy Book, The Bathroom Reader tells us), all this planet-wide cesspool frivolity-- politics, religion, stillborn philosophies, puerile economics, organized and subsidized mayhem--would be mere matinee entertainment for the luminaries of Valhalla and Olympus. In this singular time, though, ground-shattering troubles abound and at the identical moment never before have such wondrous sciences and technologies capable of alleviating these troubles been so at hand. Instead, both the true Troubles and the real Solutions are ignored or mistranslated; at times "da Urth's" citizenry resembles a vigorous daisy-chain of pickpockets and backstabbers trapped on a slowly sinking ship adrift in shark-stuffed waters. We have a fuddler here on Erde and it procedes thusly: Interrogator: How many "Urthers" does it take to install an electro-illuminatory orbical? Responder: Four or five billion it would seem, and sadly that may yet not be enough!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Queenie of Kanadia Bemoans Fate of Alle Civilization!

Queenie Ontaria the Kanadan

A Northern regent, heat-headedly responding to the below-posted Bumbletown Cautionary, posted the briefest, yet most pungent and perplexing yet of all insinuations affixed to this thing-we-call-a-blog. To quote: "We're Fucked!" which may be Kanadese for Truly! Troubles pursue us with no possible claim to balm or surceasance! One can only surmise when dealing with odd argot of that ice-bound realm of nimble pixies and lumbering-Jacques.

[Late Note from a now-recuperated-yet-on-sabatical Professor (see above): Her Hochheit's address in Ontarioland is ohthepressure.blogspot, and following a rapid survey and appraisal of this personal zone--which was requested of us through Her Majesty's attorneys--we noted only one mention of the "N' word (no, the other "N" word, no, no, not that one even!) and no reference to tabby cats whatsoever, which is reassuring in the greatest. Pardon us as we ourselves are barely a blog and the arcane civilities and formalities sometimes elude us...or we elude them if we eyeball them first. The blog under scrutiny is also of a mature nature--short stories we believe, although of fiction or not is unclear without far deeper probings as virtually everything we encounter on the Interknit is incredible in the maximum. The quality of writing, although abounding in saucy expletives and graphic references to semi-reproductive acts (a sign of your salty times we'd wager), is otherwise artistic and highly competent with skillful similes and metaphors evenly mixed within the "batter." The setting, unlike our own lumpen affair, is dark, yet appealing--suggestive of secrecies and hidden treaties, perhaps comfortable silken nightwear. We especially enjoyed the brief reminiscence of the dwarfish iron horse that, with concerted effort and stolid determination, finally demonstrated to friend and foe alike that it @!#!-ing could!]

A Curious Synchronism!

A Frigid Flap-Hat Perched Upon Erde?
An Institute intern name of Fraulein Alice Torg--a climatologist-in-training--in editing the earlier story about the FRFR, struck upon the odd fact that the borders of that sprawling (in too many ways) nation match nearly precisely the outlines of the furthest reach of the Norge polar ice hat of the last-most Micro-Age (sometimes known colloquially as the Mice-Age). Institute scholars, alchemists, and meta-physicians are initially at a complete loss to understand why a thick sheet of ice should turn, Cinderella coach-to-pumpkin like, into a full-blown thick-headed nation. Former Republic of Former Russland of Former Ice Hat? Arcane and Pillogical theories are welcomed.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Histofactoid--What's Up with the Former Republic of Former Russland?

An Erden Behemoth, a Great Sack of a Nation--as Bovine and Inebriated as Ever
(Note Mongol-hordian and Steppish tribal names applied to the numerous urban districts; Monster Island, if you must know, is the northernmost in the seemingly endless volcanic-chain-smokers making up Nipponinc, and very near ice-locked Honolulu which was attacked and demolished by its loosened hideous denizens in late 1941. South of the FRFR is the People's Paradises of Tic-Toc--the source of immense flocks of illegally migrating coolies who nest in the coastal wetbacks near Bangor each summer. Atlanta, as we all know, should be in Georgia, but it isn't on this map; the Mad Papist, Rippin' Jack Rasputin, was assassinated in Dallas--near Tibet--by the Dallas Lama, Rippin' Jack Rubycon, in 1963, and so on, ad nauseum)

More on this steroid-drenched continental bunk-buddy of Nipponinc, Injahlahlahland, and the People's Paradises of Tic-Toc upcoming. [Editor: Asute "Urthers" may note here that the geographies and outlines of landmasses on Erde and that of your world which is an Echo, albeit a fault-saddled one, of our own, contrast dramatically from one another, as is plainly obvious from the rendered map-ly expression above. We jest ironically of course when we write "plainly obvious," expecting few "Urthers," even the "Universitated," to apprehend the physical incongruities without recourse to Rand-McNally or McGoogle since little of this bears directly upon business accounting, gender studies, or voodoo terpsichoreanisms. Conversely, an Erden schoolgirl of scarcely 5 summers, upon being presented with a "Peeper" image of the vast "Urth" continent known to you as Ay-zsa, opened eyes and mouth wide, dropped her lollipop on the parquet, and exclaimed, "Gadzooks! Where in Wotan's illustrious name are the Russlandisch Grande Lakes and, above all, Monster Island!! Some cockamamie devil's cartographic capabilities are in dire question here!"]

Our Emperor: Groomed for Superciliousness and Affability without Need for Lies or Doing Damage

No Bumpkin Cap for This Monarch: Louis Napoleon VI or VII (Who Among Us is Counting?) Assumes the Role sans Jogging Culottes and Hypocrisy
[ED: Or, conversely, any potentate who can, with wink and nod, invade a foreign land with less evidence than would fail to convict a known horse-thief should Dress the Part]
UPCOMING: A lengthy explanation concerning why our beloved Erden Empire, unlike the misnamed "Republicks" and "Democraticks" and "People's Witch-Hunteries" of "Da Urth" calls a spade a spade (as any organized Government of any tribe or nation of substance is inevitably an Imperial thing--we challenge the doubtful to prove, using unmolested historical evidence, otherwise) and hoists a well-meaning yet powerless Peacock (our adored paternal "leader") and his ever-socially concerned Butterfly wife (our much-loved maternal "leaderess") to the print and wireless medium-heavy fore so that all citizen-dilettantes and naifs who flounder (at bottom) or founder (atop) in the waters of true political responsibility may pin their hopes and tails on grinning cardboard donkeys rather than the ugly, flawed, and emphemerous politicos, leaving those wretched yet dutiful souls to do an approximation of a Good Job. Their Most Excellences, unanchored entirely from concerns of tickling toes and smooching the electorate in any sweaty and gravitus-like re-electing way, are free to hear all and smile, and form general judgements and a Big Picture-ish appraisal entirely at remove from partisanship. Their concern is with their own ease and comfort, and the ease and comfort of the mass of man and monkey-kind embraced by the Empire equally. They are the beaming parents of our remaining poli-toddlers, and genteel and entertaining companions to all "gwownups" and bridge-players of the land. Their wise counsel--and lightheartedness--is welcomed within the claustrophobic administrative cloisters of the Floating Capital. They often bring cookies and treats on their visits. Anathema to many this monarchical arrangement may be, but accepting of the realities of as-yet not quite 100% enlightened man and woman-kind it unquestionably is. This popular, morale-building, and thoroughly harmless theatricality costs the Empire a pittance annually.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Decline and Fall of Bumbletown

It really does end up looking like this eventually, and not because same-genderers may seek matrimonial bliss or the philosophies of Dead White Males be taught in the corporate training and degree mills
(It happens when, among many other items, borders are left unprotected, enemies of the state with pernicious philosophies are permitted to establish communities within the state; high culture is marginalized or made to perform like a circus monkey, and low culture is raised high with no sense of the distinctions; history is as to an amnesiac or carelessly rewritten; dwellings, structures, and conveyances are desecrated without regard for the public or private wishes (and the infantile vandalizing celebrated by the "educated" as art and valid expression of culture); greed and self-interest run unleashed; people ignore their feelings and the evidence of their eyes; language and expression are restricted; lust lacks self-imposed limits; entertainment eschews the sublime; sports figures, unqualified sons of Emperors, and theatrical eminences hold the thrones; men and women of sobriety and character are scoffed at; superstition smothers reason on every plane; and moral levellers and rationalizers of barbarism blithly refuse to distinguish between a bomb dropped on a tank, battleship, or armed combatant, and an explosive willfully detonated in the midst of youngsters seeking sweets, or the meticulously plotted genocide of harmless schoolchildren! )
  • In the works: While scholaristic munchkins and the blasted and benumbed wreckage of what was once a moderately significant intelligentsia engage in supercilious slap-fights and mud-slings over the enunciation (or denunciation) of words, the enumerations of ancient and irrelevant grievances, the naming of national holidays, the fates of skinks, hoot owls and blind fetuses, and the over-analysis of the minutiae of their self-hampered historical and cultural fantasies, great and smallish chunks of buttress and ceiling-tile pour increasingly upon their heads, and the Whole Edifice of Civilized Man (or what little left that has not been sloppily over-painted in gaudy colors, decorated with horsies and duckies, or overlaid with obnoxious and inept graffiti advertising tribal allegiances and retail whorings) is threatened. Worse, these multiple "educated" morons seek allies among the heathens and uncivilized whom they adore as even more hideously ill-informed and bugged than themselves and thusly, in their reductionist paradigm, that much nearer to Gaia or Jehovah or whichever apportion-able apparition of parental control appeals most to them. Worser still, none can apprehend that the abandonment of reason and decorum, the overthrowing of millennial-developed knowledge and experience doggedly whistles for catastrophe. This rejection occurs because, among other symptoms, it all conforms not to the mumblings of ancient and doubtful Books of Superstition--New Age or Old Testament--or was produced by Dead White Males (many of whom fought, at risk of life and fortune, superstition and injustice; yet now to scant praise and even condemnation because they failed to meet standards of behavior set hundreds of years in their futures or merely lacked certain protuberances and orifices)

  • Boosters, the bewitched, and giddy enumerators of the world's multiplicity of rare and exotic cultures, of just and gentle "peoples," will (we urge) studiously note (and ignore) that the first duties barbarians are keen to tick off their lists are: the disruption of any sense of complex social order and imposition of more clearly understood ones (do or die, being the succinct and elegantly expressed example), the ravishment and re-enslavement of females (and others, surprisingly, despite the bountiful egalitarianism inherent in the "less sophisticated"), the desecration of temples of "gods" unsympathetic to their aims, and the burning of libraries, rewriting of remaining histories, befouling of sciences and reason, and destruction of antiquities of merit. Add in the condemnation and eventual incineration of those "different," "perverse," and incapable of holding to the strict thought and limited jargon of the party (or tribal) line. One may say that most of the above listed are currently actively within the purview of both "da Urth's" multiplicity of religious fanaticos whose various sun-stroked prophets dwell-ed in the desert realms, and the West's Leftish canonical dambusters and dambusterettes, who have been shriekingly tearing down anything of true excellence these last several decades because it all reveals to them of their own inadequacies or mixed-up thoughts about their own unfortunate (yet passed or passing due to the efforts of at least a few sympathetic Dead White Males and the drive toward civilities they profess to loath) histories. Some see a conflict of Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum called a "Culture War" but I eyeball rather, in my darkest dreamings, the followers of Doktor Bush and Pastor Robertson coupling madly with the enlightened geniuses that produced Frau Dworkin and cultural relativism, and producing an onslaught of horned and fanged demons who would do Hieronymous Bosch proud. All this under the bloodshot gazes of drooling hyenas whose lumpen philosophies were abandoned centuries ago by the sensible, educated, well-meaning, and rational.

Monday, January 02, 2006

A silence, then an outburst of numbers adding to '06 thrice!

Smaller than True Sized, yet more Finely Detailed

Changes afflict both our minds and perhaps our utterances with this ice-glazed rolling over of the Neue Jahre. Despite admonishments from the staff to "lay lowly" and "accept matters without struggle," your most honored savant may alternately contribute ever more prodigiously in this newly minted year and to the summit of offering the irreplacable employees of the Mt. Palomine a lengthy and needed resuscitation elsewhere--far removed from my sensitive auricular appurtenances and out-of-hurling-range of my treasured collection of Alpine paperweights. Troubled I have been--if I may invertedly express myself Yoda-like--by reports emanating from the sphincterish assembly of knobs and gears that enables our scientifical types to glom upon the Echo World known as "Da Urth." So vexing is the hourly reportage of a rumble-tumble of sprawling idiocy and self-abuse from this parallel dimension, I am tempted to lay my critical paws fully upon the host of disgruntling issues that wail at ourselves banshee-like from the tin horn of the low-budget observation device known to us as "Der Peeper." I have not yet arrived upon a final proclamation on this matter--whether to devote arduous labor to these issues--as a part of my innermost soul believes, through instinct largely, the situation on "Da Urth" to be seamlessly unrecoverable whilst that once-august body of citizens, familiar to us now as "Ripple-plikans," maintains puzzling allegiance to the sorriest herd of hapless sadsacks in all the known Universes: that cluster of schemers, nincompoops, and charlatans currently occupying the "cat-bird seats" so-to-say, in their capital of "Laundry-town." Politics and its myriad theorems and philosophies is not the concern here one whit; it is the overwhelming absence of mature intelligence and strong ethics, coupled with the street-walkerish wooing and ensnaring of lowly masses historically and genetically unsympathetic to Federalist rapscallions and "Big Business" lootings that baffles, in the utmost, this agog surveyor. Scarcely a significant and truly important item of concern to any responsible personage of any political-philosophical inclination is being addressed (endless trivial shrunken skulls and hexes are being bandied about to frighten and confuse; the administration delights in smoke and mirrors--perhaps its only genuine talent!) and the only beneficiaries of the Das Neue Regime that this reporter has eyeballed have been, to number: 1) the deliriously greedy, 2) various faux patriots, religicos, and opportunists of the snakiest sort, and 3) endlessly increasing hordes of external enemies. At the current rate of "advancement," by the next inaugural, if any even care about such things at that future point, the current potentate and his cronies (perplexingly assisted by the opposing Leftish Luddites, levellers, rationalizers, barbarian-promoters, and culture wreckers) will have undone totally all civilized advancements--social, civil, moral, ethical, military--made since Roosevelt II warmed the wheeled throne, and some even since their allegedly adored savior died on a crucifix, and further a few more mustered directly after the first footed fishes lumbered from the ooze. My own immediate overall impression is of a dominantly cluck-headed society half-mesmerized by far too-comfortable and cock-sure dimwits--themselves intellectually overrun by a confusion of religious free-will and apish selfishness (combined with a cynical delusion--growingly shared by the sheep-they-lead--that achievements are measured best by shimmering surface appearance and accomplished solely by being a well-connected insider). This "leadership" are so vigorously detached from the daily goings-on of the average Joe or Josephine that their seat of government may as well be located on the obverse side of the Moon, in the deepest ocean trench, or in Candy-land. One wonders if they maintain even the basest cognizance of the ideals that originally stimulated the fluorescing of their land--all being of "power and greed" derived backgrounds wholly unsympathetic to the concerns of the Common Weal. Ironically, these cheerleaders for survival-of-fittest social-politics, these boosters of soulless corporations, claim to embrace a superstition that stoutly denies the veracity of the scientific theory that generated the very concept and its allied expression!!! Because of this (and many other zip-locked bags of evidence), many here on clear-headed Erde speculate as to the sincerity of their beliefs and ponder if these political troglodytes are--knowingly or not--adherents of the teachings of some other mystic being: perhaps He with the horns and goat legs who also specializes in trickery, illusion, and self-service? Vampires even? (I jest not!) Certainly not any martyred messenger of a benevolent and forgiving vapour! Whenever I head-achingly ponder this historically singular Executive Branch that hangs insensately--amateurishly Frankenstein-like even--stapled, sloppily glued, cheaply pop-riveted, and retardedly duct-taped to the Tree of Liberty, the terms ransack and sinkhole come instantly to mind, as nearly everything fingered by the cocky ass-reversed Midas, this drawling faked commoner that is the current Imperator Rex, and also his allied, snide, leering, host of equally over-confident minions, seems to become instantly depleted and made barren, including, especially, the spirit and energy of a once-great and vibrant nation!

This particular head of a fabled otherworldly think-tank is hardly kept awake sweating and tossing for your once-promising Republic because of apoplectic allegations of a stolen election--elections are swiped often and by candidates of rare ability and achievement, like your sainted Kennedy and his "Robin," LBJ. It's hardly a damnable demerit lest you Blue-staters risk hypocrisy; further, it shows daring and initiative. Nor is this gentle savant unhinged by a foreign war engaged dubiously--any conflict of arms not precipitated by direct violence on the homeland and initiated by a territorially limited villain (and even then some) is by nature utterly doubtful, if not fantastical. Most international skirmishes fall into this category. Corruption too is a commendable given and commonplace, and so also entertaining buffoonery. Scarcely any nation eludes these things, and one of your newest practitioners of the art of being a public ass--a slap-happy equatorial leader of daily-increasing silliness--is currently a darling of those opposed to and aggrieved by the nest of Bozos situated on home turf. Again, hypocrisy, as always with Left-leaners, rises above the horizon line. Even the Keystone Cop-like bumblings and excuses of the Lady Katrina scandal--on all parts and with all parties, no criminals ignored--left me unmoved. Wisdom dictates that an efficient and well-organized Federal government is a grandly dangerous tigress indeed, capable equally of swiftly rounding up and devouring its citizens as providing them with purring balm and fluffy succor. No, none of the chattered-about and distracting-to-children commonplaces troubles my rest. What keeps this Professor too-alert and caffeinated are the truisms that: 1) If choppy seas of any sort lay before your nation (and they do, read only reports of weather), those today at the wheel of the tugboat of state may see the coming turbulences as unstoppable manifestations of apocalyptic predictions contained within their Most Holy Books of Mumbo Jumbo--they may then not act like level and responsible elders dealing with the possibility of global mayhem, seeking solutions and comforts for the masses. Instead they may do little of any good but pray, or, horror utmost, these zealots may aid and abet Armaggedon as self-appointed helpmates in "Jehovah's" homicidal labors. 2) In troubled and shifting times, vision, maturity, and guidance are required and no one umbilicaled to the nose-picking schoolboy in the White Mansion has shown such rare skills, in fact many of his employees curiously glory in their absence, as if being an insensitive jerk, no gentleman, or a vicious viper is a fine thing indeed (a problem shared with business and gang leadership and further sign of social deterioration!). Boy Caesar himself, largely harmless, offers nothing noble or wondrous in his autobiographic ledger-of-facts and often gaily brags about his diminutive character; he should seek counsel from certain Leftish University Oracles who specialize in uplifting historical fabrications! 4) This top puppydog is a subtle-yet-pervasive downer, possibly due to the always-noisome jumblings of religious hyperventilation and recovered status from former addictions. He has all the lighthearted cheer and fellow-well-met attributes of a Grand Inquisitor ex-smoker or AA booster, and carries within him and pushes outward upon all things and to all corners of your "Urth," the false-positive yet 'neath it all moldy damp-cloth aroma of a smiling and nervous gent recently returned to the streets after incarceration for involuntary manslaughter (a crime, oddly, his wife has history of!) or possession of illicit indecent pictures or drugs. Weekly he acts as if his Ultimately Screwing Up Fabulously, his soon-to-be-opened National Exhibitionism of Fatal Flaws and Inadequacies, will be as inevitable as the next morning's ascent of the sun. Possibly (yet unlikely) good intentions, rigorous prosecution of political and moral ideals (unlikely again) , mis-timed jokes and puns all considered ("merits" his followers cling to), this curiously toddlerish figure-head who sits in the national high-chair, petulantly slapping at too many essential knobs and controls with the ever present assistance of appointed or unelected Dark Elders, is, as your Neolithic Hippoids grunt, a "bad-vibe downer" of galactic breadth, a mountainous lead sinker of an near-man strapped electorally to a fragile continent and fully weighted to haul its total landmass, its millions of dithering inhabitants, and its complete histories to the compacted yet blazing mid-point of your "Urth" and oblivion. His negative-ablity to inspire and provide vision and direction to a nation at precisely the moment when all may be unraveling so rapidly that whiplash is threatened is my Main Issue here in this diatribe.