Professor Pille's Planetary Panopticon
Currently under advisement and endless reconstruction. Perhaps confusing yet amusing. A highly vulnerable manifestation of the internationally-regarded Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries and its founder, the venerable Professor Antonio Pille. Dedicated with warmest regards to the varied ghosts of Aristophanes, Rabelais, Swift, Sterne, Jarry, Mencken, Baron Munchhausen, and the gentle and honorable Robert Benchley.
About Me
- Name: Prof. Antonio Pille
- Location: Portville, Narragansett National District
Monday, October 31, 2005
Sunday, October 30, 2005
More Scattered-About Thoughts of Dave Dimp, Our Ebullient Blogstarian
I just looked at all the postings below me and I still think they're just plain goofy, but the frog is cute as a bubba! My favorite optical wireless program Scarfleet was on just a few moments ago, a rerun again, but one of the best ones: the one where Captain Lee Muir (played by the so-so third "Captain" Duke Alphonzo Spaghettio) has to go back to his home-world to battle the giant pie-a-saurus on Pie Mountain. I made a scrumptious rust-custard and dug out the old flannel galoshes just to get comfortable. I have no idea what the Man in the White Mansion is saying anymore because his accent is so thick I could cut it with a sponge; and what about those Socks? What about them? Socks! My cat Frisky just loves socks. Frisky is a ninety-year-old Mottled Lemurian Spindlepoot--a rare breed indeed! I'll have to post a picture of Frisky soon! The Persians can eat spam, not Frisky. A poem about how distraught I am about distressing things today. I call it White Mansion Man and it goes like this: White Mansion Man--how can you can--not do the plan--of Xanadu--in a can-oe--and Shiny Dick too--foo! The audience loved this when I read it at the Free Parking Poe-tree Dunk in Portville last weekend. Krystal Parking was wrongfully jailed for top-ecological activism! Kraken killers are causing Global Warping; the interlocked tentacles keep Erde's "floor" from buckling! Save the Kraken! Have a darn nice Dave.
More Inter-Knit Familiarities!
Hello! I'm Dave Dimp and I'll be your Blogster Tonight!
Golly! I just stayed up the whole night long reading all the posts below me and I must confess that they seemed to be pretty durned nutty! Well, maybe it wasn't all the night because I took an hour out to watch my favorite cable optical wireless show, Starfark (or was it Farstark?). Anyway, it was a rerun but a real good one: the one where Captain Lemur (played by Ernst Buffoonavich, not the awful first Captain played by La Spontaine--the Texican wrestler) goes back to his home planet to talk to his mother about the Bezorque pie ritual. This is a special episode for Starfark fans as it was all filmed upside down and in slow motion with split P-screen! I love to eat pudding while watching Starfark and usually I make up a big batch of tapioca. Then I get out my Starfark slippers. They're not licensed Starfark product, just regular slippers I purchased for 3 francs at Waal-Its. I wear them when I watch the show, just so my feet will be comfortable. Today I checked the news and everyone's still upset about the King of Persia saying that Phoenicia should go away down the drains. His followers burned Phoenician dry goods and postage stamps. Also all those people hurt up in the hills of Angorra when the Erde split open and that big monster came out! It took 500 autogyros to drive it away it said. 500! That's a lot of autogyros. Got nothing but junk and canned spam in the mail today; free samples of meats and puddings are a bad thing I think because they can transmit the Bat Wiggles, that awful disease that's sweeping the floors of Erde right now. How about the Man in the White Mansion? He said something that made me so darned mad! Well, I have to go and floss, but I'll be back to write more about the little grub-like thoughts that creep and crawl around behind my swollen eyeballs...later! Have a nice Dave!
Director Zliplitt on Blogs Yet Again...
Yielding to the demands of the public whims and dour economics we at the Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries shall struggle, now and then, to simulate the outward appearances of the common Blog, to wit (in this posting) a selection of typical puerile bloggish scribblings. I, Director Zliplitt, shall toss in the first ball only this time with an assortment of infantile observations and bon mots.
- Oh my, oh my! The current occupant of the White Mansion in our nation's capitol is certainly a buffoon and charlatan! Gee gollicky! Fresh news to sympathizers!
- A poem-ical utterance: Laying upon my unmade-up bed, I stare benumbed at a bare illuminatory fixture, a glass bulb burned out; and wonder to myself as quiet as a dead raccoon, if I have taken my prescription yet this hour--I dream of skulls and black candles and spooky doings and surely all love is lost, as Glenn my truest and dearest has left my side to hang about with Doreen.
- The "savior" spoken and written of in our particular quaint set of beliefs truly wishes for you to abstain from intimate encounters or any other sorts of "fun" because he may have written so in a musty old book or other some thousands of years ago! Follow my rantings not and risk suffering eternal torment in some kitchen oven or basement furnace!
- Have I informed you of the current goings-on of my feline companion Frisky? I shall add another 40 photographs of the dearest to this site, supplementing the 500 already existing here. What fool would not possess intense interest in Frisky?
- Herein is the first chapter of my life story: I was born in a small town in the midst of nowhere and although nothing of significance happened between that august happening and the present moment, I shall endeavor to consume several hundred pages of electronical foolscap in conveying the infinitude of banalities contained within that span.
- Surely you lay awake wondering who my favorite lifestyle musicians could be? They are the Pus Pipes, a quartet of angst-ridden females who perpetually express my innermost thoughts and moanings as if by para-psychological suction!
- Attend me closely and learn the ancient secrets of ballgame card collecting!
- I am most insensed at those people who do not share my shallow and poorly worked-out social and political attitudes! They should all be herded together and placed in encampments where they will learn better and correcter thoughts more aligned with my own!
- Attention! Diminutive greyish beings flying about in strange interstellar craft may be the true cause of your nightly yearnings for snacks and/or painful rear-ward itch! Beware diminutive greyish beings at all expense!
- I was most appalled by the recent made-for-optical-wireless moving pictures, Socks and Wax, because the lady miming the Socks character is an actress I vehemently disapprove of!
It is my earnest desire that all are satisfied for the moment with this abbreviated smorgasbord of pap-like sustenance. The task is now Your Blogster Dave Dimp's and you shall meet him shortly, fortunate fools. Dave was impaled in the noggin some time ago with a large chunk of schist and gustily enjoys such responsibilities. He is a veritable bleeding cornucopia of triviality. I retire as I have real works to manage.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Portville Port-o-Dome Sports Arena and Sewage Treatment Plant "Sports" Free Parking
Portville Chamber of Parking Touts Free Parking with Stupendous Flying Hoarding
Sawfish Tapped for Kraken Challenge
Fearless Forces Face Fearsome Foo!
The Imperial Secretary of State, Padoola "Rice" Puddin, and Imperial Chief of Staff Horst Steinklavier pose with our latest non-lethal bit of psy-ops weaponry, the Aroogah Gun--developed by the Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries. The Aroogah Gun similates the taunting sound of an early-vintage horseless carriage horn (specifically, from a 1923 Studebaker), a sound Autistic-Horrorists associate with direct challenges to their masculinity. This noise so-enrages the Autistic-Horrorists that they willy-nilly charge out of their holes and nests directly into the waiting arms of psychopolitical counselors and bag-men (and sack-women!). The Aroogah Gun may even be utilized to relocate huge populations of psychopoliticized males and the sexually stressed; tied to the roof of an iron horseless carriage it could be a Pied Piper for a new era for mankind. This amazing weapon came from the Mt. Palomine research section known popularly as The Geschtinky-Werke--the same secret weapons center that gave us the Tin Butler, Jibbergasse, the Hula-noose, and Stealth Feet.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Institute to Engage in Echo World Disinformation "For the Fun of It!"
As part of a projected long series of cruelly enjoyable experiments or practical jokes, "Der Peeper" researchers are preparing to dump textbooks of completely made-up history on our Echo World higher education students to see if--as the Professor put it between guffaws--anyone notices or even cares.
A View of Portville--Parking Galore!
Prof. Pille Notes Near-Infinity of Clown Photos Provides Endless Fuel for Simpleminded Echo World Humor
Above, oh jolly citizens, we observe the "Twenty-One Injustices" of the Echo World Supreme Court. The Chief Injustice or Wampa-loola can be seen in Fez, which apparently as best as we may gather, is located in the Echo World nation of Moor-Rocco (an Iberian mob fiefdom) or perhaps Mo' Rocco (a competing gangsta Urbanian fiefdom we believe). It is assumed that the 21 Injustices serve as a counterweight to the 12 Steppes, the 16 Klan-dells, and the 33 and 1/3 Revolutions--other powerful political and conspiratorial organizations within the Echo World bureaucracy. We at the Institute are still attempting to sort this upside-down culture out! "Urth" is so bizarre that the bulk of its inhabitants would be hard-pressed to know if the number of our count of justices is correct or if such a place or hat as Fez even exists--making our job so very difficult. Many would wonder for an attention-depleted instant about this "Supreme Court" itself--the entire Echo World is peopled with folks who lack any attention-span whatsoever. We are all here at the Mt. Palomine Institute injuring our internals with all the unleashed laughter--such is the uproarious Echo World!
Meeting of Mt. Palomine Institute Central Committee
The Central Committee of the Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries held the opening meeting of its annual assembly today at the Port-o-dome in the city of Portville (when not used for conventions, the Port-o-dome is home to the Portville Penuches ballteam and sometimes serves as the city's sewage treatment plant). Loyal scientists, philosophers, and academics from across the Empire join together as brothers and sisters to proclaim their unbounded enthusiasm for the enlightened progressive policies of Institute Chairperson Professor Antonio Pille or some such banana-oil!
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Doktors turn "Der Peeper" on "Urth" and get an Eyeball-Full
In what certainly promises to be a tidal-wave of humorous pictorials, our budget-conscious Institute creators of the magical dimensional viewing device delved into the Echo World of our own beloved Erde and up-Urthed this first view--a somewhat vaguely limned shot of members of the governing body of that wack-a-doodle world. The Institute will supply photos and additional information as it all becomes unleashed.
Friday, October 21, 2005
A Supercilious Phantasm, a Bespooked Night-Mare!
[Professor Pille "breaks-frame," enters the Echo World for a brief rendezvous, and publishes there his review of Nikolaus Harnoncourt's recording of Handel's Messiah posted upon the Echo World Amazon site and in response or mirroring to the equally bombastic yet utterly serious rant posted there by one Dr Jacques Courladeau]
Handel Messiah--Concentus Musicus Wien, Harnoncourt-an Evisceration
Upon applying my auricular appurtenances to the appraisal of this specific rendering of the notorious, antiquated, and hyperbolic-ally flatulent pseudo-masterpiece of one G. Handel, this humble listener is at a catastrophic loss to apprehend in even the most brain-absent insectoid manner the alleged scintillating attributes of the composition at hand, the purported and varied merits of its so-called interpretation as provided here through the compact disc medium, and the pencil-like point of the entire execrable endeavor. What confronts and confounds this amply-hardened listener is a mere series of "numbers," mumblings, and over-reaching tunes; loud brayings and exhibitions; and hootings, hollerings, and trumpetings (both real and alluded to) attempting in the most schoolboy-amateurish way, as it were, and in an emboldened excessive abandonment of priceless leisure hours, to extol--musically, if one could credit it--the merits of some bobbling, belching, historical child or other, born on the dusty grounds and within the confines of a common milk cow-barn! Why such soporifically banal events as the slap-stick antics of a pair of common Semitic suburbanites with their birthing quandary, their astounding encounters with flickering streetlights and besotted Wise-Guys, and all the particulars of the life of the babe--up to and including a last second epiphany of carpentry--should warrant the usage of substantial monies and unbridled artistic forces unequalled in these modern times is a full-tilt toboggan ride of a conundrum to any and all vaguely semi-conscious men. As the abomination terminated with caterwauling choruses of Hallelujahs I too enjoined my voice for Truly and Hallelujah, the sickly musical behemoth had finally upended and passed! Such a tragedy that whilst in the hinterlands emaciated Chinese coolies dig for grubs with sticks, and shivering Eskimos send their cowering ancestors afloat and awash on Popsicles; whilst half the benumbed planet is without simple tin lunch pails or embroidered stockings, titanic, colossal, nay, near infinite towers of treasure are cast forever into the deepest dung pits in order to finance wholly worthless enterprises such as these. I am aghast and appalled!
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Institute Scholars Confront Kristaluthians on Dating Controversy
The Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries is prepared to present evidence to the Erde Court at The Haug substantiating the widely-accepted belief that the calendar currently in use Erde-wide does date from the birth of the illustrious Roman philosopher Pilate, not from the historically earlier birth of the Kristaluthian cult prophet lumberjack who one day got the surprise of his life. Pilate was a Roman governor of what is now known as Western Puta Babylonia; he resigned from his Imperial Office rather suddenly one Friedesday afternoon, jogged like a demon back to Rometown, and wrote his eternal masterpiece, Belle et Pacem.
Luella Robotroast Awarded Belle Prize for Epicry
Horrid Corporealate Sponge as You Ask For-ed!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
A Lovely View of the Moontown
A rapid transit conveyance (Astra-moonaut-o-bus) pauses for an equally rapid photo whilst in the background the 1pm robotical Imperial Mail Express "blasts-off" for Erde --and directly on schedule! Within seconds the racing rocket will exit through the D'anna-Dome automated airlock and vault out into the infinity of space. Fret not dear reader, the dense and billowy exhaust is an in-combustion complex carbon molecule conversion to a manner of healthy fertilizer and the flight path has been cunningly plotted over farmland; every mail delivery makes for bulkier and tastier cabbages! The passengers on number 63 are voyaging to the Satyrday ballgame at Moontown's Crater Park--today's challenge being between the home-team Moontown Jamskunks and the Mare Tempesta Chocolate Waffles. Baseball on our sister world is reputed to be quite the endeavor with gravity only 40% (...and only slowly rising, Herr D'anna Commissioner Hembricks!) of Erde's. A home run "knocked beyond the park" twelve years ago recently went into orbit around Venus. Hel-lo commuters, best hustle on up now so you'll have leisure to purchase your mug of mead and a crowdog before the first pitch. Low gravity economies have their advantages--a crowdog on D'anna costs only 2 francs!
Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries Unveils Dimensional Cross-Eavesdropper
Corporealate Sponges Explained by Children's Editor Jayneslyke Julianus
Hel-lo all. We have receive-ed very many very nice inquisitions from the fellow small kindergarteners who oftentimes on rainy days read our posts as study. They are curiousical about the mani-syllable term we use-ed--Corporealate Sponges--in this article which is previous-lyke here beseen. Corporealate Sponges wurm life-types that 65 million years ago destroy-ed the Great Race of Dinorapts--the scal-ed people who liv-ed and built-ed up-upon Erde long ages before Wotan did make to "awakenin" the earlierest men-peoples and women-peoples. This they had accomplish-ed bym sucking up all life, joy, humor, and passion around-ed them and excreting toxic thoughts that made-ed the lovely Dinorapts and all their great and beautiful-lyke beasts sick and pass 'way. Having no-thing then to bother or use, the Corporealate Sponges languish-ed and finally-lyke pass-ed from Erde for all tyme unmourn-ed. We now fear-ed them no longer and play and learn in National District of Pacem, praise Wotan! Perhaps soon a photo of horrid things.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Thor Explorers Send Photos of Boring Dead Planet
The archaeological team headed by Institute luminaries Frau Doktors Norissa Tuck and Evangelina Serrestostia informed their mission controllers today via optical wireless that while research work continues doggedly on the desolate and absolutely depressing nearby planet, there is little understanding of exactly what kind of catastrophe overwhelmed and destroyed the Thoracic peoples. Concern, however, exists over the multiplicity of barren and unimaginative cultural artifacts--habitats consisting of child-like shapes made of crude and unfriendly materials, unsubtle aggressive or anonymous looking vehicles, and virtually no decorative, humorous, ironic, fantastical, or elegant arts. Worse, it would appear that all that could even conceivably be judged artful had been replaced at some earlier time with brute and superficial commerce. Ruminating upon from the evidence in the photo above (just one of a dreary and monotonous series we've eyeballed) the extinct "culture" had been in severe decline for many years before its fall; its people existed in a near granitic-age state of consciousness. Institute scientists speculate they would have had no measurable attention span and may have required endless infusions of hyperactive stimulation to function minimally. This would conform to newly developed exobiological theories that speculate major civilizations collapse from regression-of-consciousness rather than any other external factor--environmental, resource, or otherwise. Advanced races--as the theory would have it--always find means to adapt and maintain their necessary stimulations using, at worst, pure imagination. [For the uninformed, Thor is the nearest planet to our beloved Erde yet placed further outward from Sol. It is 97% the size of our world, and although distant from the central source of all life, maintains its highly seasonable temperatures due to a thick oxygen-rich atmosphere, vast oceans, and ample cloud-cover. Explorers report that it rains frequently--perhaps too much for their jolly sol-ish dispositions! No life has been found on the planet except for a vile species resembling our (mercifully) now-extinct Corporealate Sponge.]
Institute Scientist Cashiered for Constructing Immense Playing-Card Shuffleodeon
First New D'anna "Moon" Iron Horse Leaves NALCO
Slated for use on what will be the crack "Moon Express" (Moon is classical ancient sprache for D'anna) a Magneto Class 4-8-4 iron horse is seen crossing the Beothuk River in central Mohawk National District, a few kilometers from the National Locomotive Company erecting works in Schenectady, on its way to the equatorial Erde station in the Central Isthmus. While the iron horse may seem to be hauling its own train, it is in fact unsteamed (It cannot function in atmosphere) and being pulled behind a southbound train. Note the sealed cab to maintain constant internal air pressure.
A Brief Word or Two from Your Humble Savant: Professor Antonio Pille
Although I find myself frequently cordoned-off by practical matters from the privilege of injecting direct commentary into this increasingly illustrious electrical publication--mere wordsmithing minions and proofreading lackeys daily gussy-up and frame my colossal mental meanderings--the goings-on of this post-for-the-planet are hardly elsewhere removed from my thoughts. This, though the Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries--my very spawn so-to-say--is currently enraptured in such stupendous bobbulations as the design of the new D'annic railway and the expostulations of the astounding "Time Jelly" phenomenon. This overworked overlord must admit (somewhat painfully) that the Mount Palomine Institute of Mysteries truly has over-grabbed our globe by the hands. Therefore, although my appearances may be short and vague (and true aspect tall and focused!), my hand-prints lay inevitably about-scattered through these splendorous pages.
Volcanotown, Yakima National District, Completes "Space Needles"
The central-piece for the upcoming Volcanotown International Exposition, due to commence next Solstice, has reached completion. The Volcanotown Space Needles, as they are called, were conceived by famed native architect Francine O. Gehry, reknowned for her dashing neoliminalist stylings. The "needle" to the immediate right (of the above posted photo) celebrates the diplomatic mission to Venus, the center sports a statue (sculpted by Edmund Smutts) 0f D'anna and commemorates the construction of the first tentative exerimental railway to our moon, and our leftward architectural ascender honors the intrepid explorers of Thor (and its two mischievous little moons Hinckell and Jekyll); the discovers of the Lost Thoracic Civilization. Beneath the immense archway is a Ceelingwalker's "Zack" shoppe that will proffer visitors from all across Erde the thick rich and foamy brews made from the chz'uack bean--a Volcanotown specialty. "Zack" has become the popular hot agitating beverage throughout our nation; Ceelingwalker's assisted in funding the erection of the needles which with hopes and like Eiffel's Great Norman Wheel in Gaul, will remain as familiar image-markers for this Burgh.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Spinbunn Begins New Epic Moving Picture
Intelligence Chief "Worried"--Nation Moves to Fire-Wagon Red
Friday, October 14, 2005
Institute Notable Echos Concerns about Global Warping
In an article published in this month's issue of Tropical Topological Panoptical Topics, Professor Belmondo provides additional evidence for the growing belief that the surface of our world is gradually becoming increasingly topologically irregular. Through rigorous experimentation, Belmondo uncovered disturbing indications that while absolute distances between points (or towns or cities) have not altered, the measured times of travel are varying significantly. For example although The Floating City and Beamtun are exactly 383.62 kilometers apart, travel time between the two metropoli, at a fixed rate of 60 k.p.h. and along precisely the same roads, varies, at times, from between 6 to 10 hours. Although no clear connection can be made at this early date, there is speculation that the cause of Global Warping may be the increased use (since the early 1800's) of non-linear algebra as a method of calculating energy consumption. Worries abound that if the warping continues it could trigger a reciprocating phase of global woofing and our world could enter another catastrophic implosive Micro-Age.
Right and Left-Handed Mailplanes Developed for Uni-Dexterous
Baphomet Q'ung Still at Large for Audiences
"Florida" Internet Service Offers to Improve Institute's Sagging Slices
Director Zliplitt Again on the State of Blogs
Thursday, October 13, 2005
The View of our Neighboring Planet--Not Cold Ice but Hot Glass!
Grand Imperial Rotation Upcoming
Monday, October 10, 2005
Histofactoid: 1962--Inuit National District Snags Cauldron
It's 1962, final game of the World Series, and Inuit Gumballs' All-Star Kenji McKeagen prepares to lay into a wild pitch for the legendary base-clearing home run that cinched the Gumballs victory that season over rival Kamchatka Kandy-Kanes. With ball parks on opposite sides of the unnavigable Bering Straits (rough seas, not Kraken!), any matches between these two great neighboring teams were commonly referred to as Submarine Series.
A View of Dr. Wu's Now-Demolished X-Spectora VIII
Phase Two of Creation Offers "Smoot"
Continuing with the long-planned Creation second-phase program for user-friendly flora and fauna (see Platypus article below), The Creatrix has introduced the multi-tasking smoot. By digitally manipulating a sequence of acupressure points located on the surface of the smoot's rectal walls the owner or manager may select from Pest, Provision, or Pet, as needs dictate. The smoot also possesses an Experiment mode accessible only to workers within the cosmetic or pharmaceutical industries. This mode presents new advantages by altering the smoots form and visage from adorable to repulsive, thus making experimentation a complete pleasure, rather than heart-sickening chore, for the taskers. Smoots make for lovable and loyal pets and as provisions they are said to taste of free-range swine. Pest mode will be mandated on announced occasions by the National Department of Poetic Balances whenever regional gestalt quotients rise too far into Green.
Institute Asserts Misuse of Theorum Floats Pup
Woolworth Reconstruction on Schedule
The Tallest Man-made Structure in the World will soon regain its preeminance. Our mighty Woolworth Tower, reviving rapidly from its spontaneous dis-assembly response to the Autistic-Horrorist attempt upon it some short time ago, is nearly fully present again, regaining majestic control over the transcendent skyline of The Floating Capitol. By reverting from a full-chaotic to a controlled-chaotic situation, the Tower disabled itself in a most astonishing and unpredicted way while heroically saving countless lives. Controlled-chaotic and randomized responses have worked well in all our troubled dealings with the rude and uncivil Three Deists, but the safe and near instantaneous deconstruction of the upper half of the Woolworth at Delta T=0 was unprecedented and a credit to both it and its remarkable designers.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Histofactoid: 1997--Awaiting the Blessings of Erde!
X-Kraft 6000 Passes Emperor's Air Fleet Primus over Navajo National District
First Photos of "Time Jelly" Released by Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries
Respite from Struggle Against Autistic-Horrorism
Whither Blog-dom? Our Director Responds Fully!
Friday, October 07, 2005
Doktor Schlotz Uncovers "Time Jelly"
Public Notice: Institute Commissioned to Re-examine Death of Emperor Prime
Though we are in excess of two-score years passing since Our Most Beloved First Emperor was stuck down in the public plaza by a seeming legion of complexly motivated individuals, public bewilderment and interrogative continues, somewhat diminished, yet largely un-mollified. In recent months, and at the behest of the National Committee for Public Somnambulism and Unrest, the Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries has (oddly, yet not ungratefully) been commissioned to reopened this formidable sea-chest of history and pour heedless over its contents in the possibly vain hope of casting greater illumination upon the whole despicable affair. Our Committee for the Re-examination of the Death of the Emperor has already widened scope beyond the primary event and peeked into tangentially related epiphenomena, these being:
- The strange--seemingly self-inflicted--death of Our National Drama’s "Cleopatra" following a booze-laden and blowzy exhibition to the entire nation—via the optical wireless—of her affections to His Greatness, affections transcending those nominally expected of any loyal citizen and further indicating possible unsavory linkages
- The assassination of the "assassin" by a cross "Citizen Rubycon"
- The later assassination (My, how these heaped up rapidly!) of Our National Drama’s "Marc Antony" who, although initially forswearing revenge, sought national backing for a vendetta against His August Sponsor’s murderers very nearly initiating a Strange Civil War.
- The identity of Our National Drama’s "Brutus" who, according to the tale, "…did not love the Emperor less, but loved the Republic more."
- The suspicion that the fatal blow was struck--quite tragically--not by an opponent of the person of His Greatness but accidentally by a personal guard endeavoring to protect .
Those subscribing to the publications and announcements of the Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries should stay aware of infrequent yet possibly momentous announcements concerning this ongoing inquiry.
(A View of the Mt. Palomine Institute of Mysteries)
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Phase Two of Creation to Begin with User-Friendly Platypus
We are all hourly comforted by the inarguable and felicitous fact that the world was cobbled-together as an indivisible whole under Wotan's Monocular Gaze for the exclusive comfort and entertainment of man and women-kind. Sadly, while the flora and fauna rescued from the terrifying Day of Water-Mountains may have served as both adequate sustenance and intimate companions to our distant ancestors--benighted individuals who dwell-ed in trees and donned clothing made of bark and pine cones--they are hardly suitable accoutrement's to our delirious modern lifestyle. Happily, the plan was always to periodically update Creation to match--footfall for footfall so-to-say--the invariable advancements of humanity. First on the slate, and to be introduced within a fortnight, is the "New-Fangled" platypus (see above) --now a convenience to a nation, nay, a continent of enthusiastic beer imbibers and no longer a confusing and useless Outback Novelty (although McPlatypus was tried by a familiar Eatery Trust but sans success). Also planned are small, cuddly, toothless bears for the amusement of der Kinder, and a large yet gentle quadruped mammal capable of bearing a full-grown man (or woman!) aboard its back, making irrelevant the petroleum-guzzling conveyances present since the initial creation or Creation Phase I as it is now being dubbed by pundits. Rumors abound even of a new race of merrily uncomplaining micro-cephalic computing engine "in-puters," and highly desirable perma-babies that never attain maturity. Word too is circulating of new large fishes that are yet again mammals (!) who simulate high intelligence and serve as screens (of a fashion) upon which the Fantasy-Prone may project their myriad dreams and desires for aquatic communication and watery enlightenment. We await our new toys with child-like glee!